Friday, May 19, 2017

Michigan Republican Justin Amash: If true, Comey memo allegations are grounds for impeachment

Amash also told reporters that he trusts Comey more than President Trump
From: WDIV
 U.S. House representative Justin Amash (R-MI) says if the James Comey memo allegations are true, they are grounds for impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Amash made the statement to reporters on Wednesday.

Amash also told reporters that he trusts Comey more than President Trump.
Donald Trump faced fallout Wednesday over revelations that he personally appealed to now-fired FBI Director James Comey to abandon the bureau's investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, allegations based on notes Comey wrote after the meeting.

The White House has denied the report, which came amid a furor over the president's discussions with Russian diplomats in which Trump is said to have disclosed classified information.

In a bizarre twist on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered to turn over to Congress records of Trump's discussions.

The White House has played down the importance and secrecy of the information Trump gave to the Russians, which had been supplied by Israel under an intelligence-sharing agreement. Trump himself said he had "an absolute right" as president to share "facts pertaining to terrorism" and airline safety with Russia. Yet U.S. allies and some members of Congress expressed concern bordering on alarm.

Putin told a news conference that he would be willing to turn over notes of Trump's meeting with the Russian diplomats if the White House agreed. He dismissed outrage over Trump's disclosures as U.S. politicians whipping up "anti-Russian sentiment."

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