Saturday, May 13, 2017

“Gays Deserve to Die” Pens California High School Teacher to Student Paper

The “sinfulness of homosexuality” citedFrom: Gay Pop Buzz
San Luis Obispo High School journalism students put out a May edition of the student paper, Expressions, featuring LGBTQ issues.
Special education teacher Michael Stack wrote a letter in response
that has led to outrage on campus
What an utterly sad and disgusting thing a San Louis Obispo, California teacher appears to have done. As reported in their local paper, a high school special education instructor named Michael Stack penned a letter to the student newspaper and made extreme anti-LGBT comments.

What follows is from San Louis Obispo’s Tribune:

“In his letter to the editor, which the student newspaper staff decided to publish in consultation with its teacher adviser, Stack cited an excerpt from the Book of Romans referring to the sinfulness of homosexuality. He wrote that the passage describes “a deception that has happened in the past, and is happening again right now, not only at SLOHS, but throughout the world.”

The passage states that women and men who engage in homosexual acts were abandoned by God and their lives “became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.”

“They know God’s justice required that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway,” the passage continues.”

Apparently, in his resignation letter, Stack wrote that he’s “not ashamed of the Gospel” and tried to reply to six comments that appeared on the student newspaper’s website. His replies didn’t appear on the site.

Stack’s letter received widespread community criticism that it was inappropriate for a teacher at a public school to espouse religious beliefs. Some community members in online forums supported his right to express his views outside of the classroom setting in the form of a letter.

Stack’s letter was published online Tuesday in response to the May issue of the student newspaper, Expressions, which contained three articles focusing on LGBTQ issues. The cover photo of that edition featured two women kissing.

Indeed, the time in which we live.

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