Saturday, May 20, 2017

13 Times Katharine Hepburn Was Queer Perfection

From: NewNowNext
She Wore The Pants

 Even today, someone like Ellen DeGeneres eschewing dresses garners notice. In the 1930s, when Hepburn did it, it was downright revolutionary. “I put on pants 50 years ago and declared a sort of middle road,” she told Barbara Walters in a 1981 interview. “I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man. I’ve just done what I damn well wanted.”

“She never fit into conventional womanhood,” biographer William Mann told OutSmart. “And certainly because of her body, she didn’t live as a man. So she kind of did live this middle road.”

While never quiet a hard butch, Hepburn also embraced an athleticism usually reserved for men, enjoying tennis, shooting, diving and horseback riding. Golf was a particular passion: She took daily lessons and even reached the semi-finals of the Connecticut Young Women’s Golf Championship.

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