Monday, April 3, 2017

Gay Couple Holding Hands Attacked by Homophobic Teens with Bolt Cutters

From: Towleroad
A gay Dutch couple was attacked over the weekend by a group of six to eight men who shouted slurs and assaulted them with a pair of bolt cutters, according to Dutch media.

RTL News reports:

The two were on their way home from a dance party at Luxor Live in Arnhem. “We’ll almost never show in public that we are in a relationship”, Jasper told the broadcaster. “But we had a few drinks, it was dark on the street and there were almost no people, so we held hands.”
When they reached the Nelson Mandela Bridge they were confronted by a group of six to eight young men. “I think they were Moroccans. They began to shout: disgusting, dirty, homo, such things. We shouted something back and walked on, but all of a sudden they came after us.” Jasper said to RTL.
Before they knew what was happening, the two men were pulled apart. “Suddenly I saw a guy pull bolt cutters out of his jacket and I heard Ronnie screaming: Jasper, Jasper, they knocked all my teeth out of my mouth’.” When Jasper reached his partner, Ronnie was covered n blood. “He was very upset. I immediately called 112. The ambulance took us to the hospital, where his lip was attached.”

Four have been arrested in connection with the attack a 14-year-old, and three 16-year-olds.

Vernes-Sewratan also wrote about the attack on Facebook:

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