Tuesday, March 7, 2017

SCOTUS Punts On Gavin Grimm Trans Rights Case, Vacating Favorable Ruling

From: Boy Culture
Hot on the heels of Trump's decision to erase President Obama's guidelines that helped trans teens on the issue of bathroom rights, the Supreme Court has handed the high-profile Gavin Grimm case to a lower court without deciding on its merits:

The justices said Monday they have opted not to decide whether federal anti-discrimination law gives high school senior Gavin Grimm the right to use the boys' bathroom in his Virginia school.

The case had been scheduled for argument in late March. Instead, a lower court in Virginia will be tasked with evaluating the federal law known as title IX and the extent to which it applies to transgender students.

In a short statement, the Court said:

The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit for further consideration in light of the guidance document issued by the Department of Education and Department of Justice on February 22, 2017.

The Court specifically vacated that ruling because of the Trump Administration's anti-trans policies. Thank you, Caitlyn Jenner, and any other trans or trans-friendly people who voted for this corrupt, anti-LGBTQ bigot and creamed their panties over how pro-LGBTQ he was gonna be 'cuz he's a sophisticated New Yorker at heart.

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