Saturday, March 25, 2017

House Cancels Vote on GOP Health-Care Bill

From: kenneth in the (212)
This embarrassing setback for Donald Trump and Paul Ryan will leave the "president" with more time to threaten members of Congress, and give the speaker more time to practice giving blowjobs. The best part is that the reason they don't have the votes is because the Unaffordable Care Act isn't horrible enough to appease some Republicans.
 I'm reluctantly starting to try to "understand" what voters who wanted to "shake up the system" were thinking when they voted for Trump. (I still maintain they knew he dealt in racism and either agreed with his hateful message or looked the other way., which makes them complicit.) But what I want to know is if any of them are finally starting to realize that tilting everything in favor of the wealthy is not the solution to what ails them, whatever that may be. Sadly, I fear the answer is no. As a friend put it, now on to Mexico not paying for that wall ...


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