Friday, March 17, 2017

Goggle Doodle for March 17, 2017

St. Patrick's Day 2017
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, today’s Doodle takes us to the mystical Skellig Michael, a remote island just off the coast of County Kerry, Ireland. The breathtaking destination is a World Heritage Site and home to many species of seabirds — like puffins, gannets, and razorbills — that perch atop the island’s summit. If you’re brave enough to scale the 600 steps to the top of the rocky precipice, you’ll see a magnificent view of the mainland and the Atlantic Ocean from 714 feet above sea level. The Skelligs are part of the Kerry Gaeltacht, where locals speak Irish, and you may hear “céad míle fáilte,” or “a hundred thousand welcomes,” if you visit.

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