Friday, March 31, 2017


From: Badwolf Blog
 F is for…

 I  think it’s no surprise that F is for Fucking – It’s not the first thing I want to order the first time I go into a place. But if I like how the other things are going, and I feel like getting up inside somebody else is only going to improve things, it can be the very best thing there is.  I’m not joking though – it can take a long time to get me to the point where I’m ready to fuck somebody. That’s way too intense for first date shenanigans.

F is also for...

Frottage – Easily the most overlooked sexual act, frottage (rhymes with fromage, not co-tage) is all about intensity and chemistry. I’ve shot from this, in public, and very obviously (if anyone was watching). Technically a ‘paraphilia’ in which there are repetitive sexual urges to gain gratification by rubbing against another person, often acted out in a public place. Delicious. Public places not required.

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