Tuesday, March 7, 2017

65 Percent Want Special Prosecutor to Investigate Trump-Russia Ties, Including 43 Percent of Republicans

From: Towleroad
A new CNN/ORC poll reveals that a majority of Americans would like to see a special prosecutor look into ties between Trump campaign associates and Russia.

CNN reports:

Concerns about the reported contacts are closely tied to partisanship, with 71% of Democrats saying they are “very concerned” about it while 54% of Republicans say they have no concerns “at all” about the reports.
Among Republicans, a majority feel Congress can handle the investigation, but a sizable 43% support the call for a special prosecutor, as do majorities of Democrats (82%) and independents (67%). Overall, the poll finds that 65% would rather see a special prosecutor handle the investigation, while 32% think Congress is capable of handling it.

Trump’s really poor approval rating hasn’t thus far been affected by the calls for a Trump-Russia investigation. It’s up one percentage point to 45.

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