Thursday, March 9, 2017


From: Bear World
Undoubtedly, many gay, bisexual and trans women from the ages likely lived their lives miserable as they felt they had no other choice than to follow society’s expectations.

But no woman ever made history by following all the rules, and that is true of all 11 women on this list.

From Hollywood starlets to artists and activists, these 11 women made a huge impact on thousands of lives by daring to follow their hearts.

While we can never know the real truth about the personal lives about some of these women, and there is some debate and doubt over these secretive relationships, there is some evidence for all of them.

So check out these women, who may have been gay, bisexual trans or intersex:

Greta Garbo 


Swedish actress who was discovered by gay director Mauritz Stiller.

She is described as ‘technically bisexual, but predominantly lesbian’ by her biographer Barry Paris. The assumption of her lesbianism was fueled by gender-confusion in dress and speech on screen and off screen.

Garbo always wanted to play male roles such as Dorian Gray, Hamlet, and St Francis of Assisi. She was socially more comfortable with women and gay men. 181 letters were found from her to her assumed lover, Mercedes de Acosta.

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