Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Mel Brooks Isn't Fearful Of Old Frankenstein (Donald Trump)

From: Boy Culture
Mel Brooks is a nonagenarian, and he has no time for fearing Trump. 

From The Guardian:
“The whole thing is crazy,” he says. “Trump was never a politician. He was never a senator. I don’t think he was ever president of his high-school class. And then he got himself elected president of the United States. He didn’t expect to win. He didn’t take it seriously. Three hundred million Americans didn’t take it seriously. Now they do.”
Brooks, who views Trump’s anti-Muslim travel ban as poorly planned and poorly executed – his parents came to the US as kids – does not revile the new president in the kneejerk way most movie people do. “Trump doesn’t scare me,” he says. “He’s a song-and-dance man. Pence [the vice-president] and Bannon [Trump’s scheming henchman, a kind of Dick Cheney without the radiant, cherubic charm], those guys make me nervous.” He adds: “We are not talking about Athenian democracy here.”

I think not taking Trump seriously is probably a mistake, but it's also probably the greatest way to drive Trump crazy.

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