Sunday, February 5, 2017

If Gay Men Ran The Super Bowl

This is what we imagine happens before and after the half-time show.
From: NewNowNext
 Today is the Super Bowl LI!


I’m kidding—obviously there are millions of gay guys who are into football. And my hat’s off to them.

 I LOVE the Super Bowl, actually—the commercials, the shade each team throws at each other, the insane spectacle of the half-time show!

But I can’t stomach more than ten minutes of actual game time before I start thinking about grouting the tub or shaving my shoulder hair.

Now, if the big game was more like this dance routine from the 1950s musical I Love Melvin—featuring Debbie Renyolds as a human football—you couldn’t pry me away from the screen.

Time for my annual viewing of football. Meaning: time to watch Debbie Reynolds dress as a football, and get passed around by a bunch of dancing men costumed as football players.This clip is from the musical “I Love Melvin”, 1953. A New York Times review from the same year, describes Debbie Reynolds as "being a pretty little package of simple girlish talents and graceful form. The amount of her shown by Metro in a sleek Technicolored display of musical comedy contrivance is almost too liberal for words.”. While adding that the other star of the film, Donald O’Connor, is "full of beans”.
Posted by Rachel Vala on Saturday, February 6, 2016

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