Thursday, January 12, 2017

#LGBTQ: There Will Be at Least ONE Famous Face at Trump’s Inauguration… Guess Who?

From: World of Wonder
Yes, reality TV star and transgender activist Caitlyn Jenner has accepted an invitation to attend the inaugural festivities of Emperor Cheeto on January 20.

Jenner, as you know, is a long-time Republican, who spoke at the Republican National Convention last year saying,

“It was easy to come out as trans. It was hard to come out as Republican.”

Jenner has praised Trump as seeming “good for women” and “very much behind the LGBT community.”

Oh, hon, you have NOT endeared yourself to Democrats, Independents, women or the LGBT community by accepting this invitation. And if you think most of the GOP’s bigoted, trans-phobic, anti-gay contingent is behind you, you are delusional. And check out VP-elect Mike Pence‘s record if you think Republicans are so great on trans-rights. They are using you to make it seem as though they embrace all, while they work to keep your white, privileged ass in the Men’s room. 

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