Thursday, January 5, 2017

Chris Fleming Wrote The Perfect Song For Anyone “Afraid To Talk To Men”

"He'll see right through me. That I'm a big gay poodle, and I take three baths a day."
From: NewNowNext
If your school days were filled more with passing notes with the girls than sharing fantasy football picks with the guys, you may have grown up to find it difficult to talk to men.

Comedian Chris Fleming feels your pain — and then some — and has channeled his struggle into a slightly insane new music video.

“I’m afraid to talk to men,” he sings while riding a shopping cart through Home Depot. “I was raised with girls. I’m afraid if I talk to men I’ll look at their dicks.”

Fleming asks the tough questions, like, “Do we talk about golf or birds?”

“Only the nice ones talk about birds,” he sings. “And if I talk about birds with the wrong one, he’ll eat me for breakfast.”

See if you can relate to any of Fleming’s troubles in the video below.

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