Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Chelsea Manning After Suicide Attempt: “I’m Glad To Be Alive”

Manning was being kept under observation at Fort Leavenworth after attempting to end her life.
From: NewNowNext
Chelsea Manning told followers on social media that she was recuperating after a failed suicide attempt in July.

“I am okay,” she tweeted from her cell in Fort Leavenworth. “I’m glad to be alive. Thank you all for your love <3 I will get through this. #standwithchelsea”
Manning also spoke with her attorneys Chase Strangio, Vincent Ward and Nancy Hollander, for the first time since her hospitalization.

They conveyed that Manning was disappointed the government breached her privacy in disclosing her health status to the media. She decided, however to get ahead of the story to prevent more “unauthorized release of information about her publicly without warning.”

In a statement, her lawyers explained:

“Last week, Chelsea made a decision to end her life. Her attempt to take her own life was unsuccessful. She knows that people have questions about how she is doing and she wants everyone to know that she remains under close observation by the prison and expects to remain on this status for the next several weeks.
For us, hearing Chelsea’s voice after learning that she had attempted to take her life last week was incredibly emotional. She is someone who has fought so hard for so many issues we care about and we are honored to fight for her freedom and medical care.”

Those interested in writing to Chelsea can send mail to:

Chelsea E. Manning 89289
1300 North Warehouse Road

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-2304

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