Monday, January 2, 2017

Chad Michaels Is The Queen Of Cosplay

When the professional impersonator's look is more solid than the original.
From: NewNowNext
 Chad Michaels is giving Ms. Phi Phi O’Hara a run for her money with a new conceptual Instagram series called #CosplayJuly.

After launching the series in honor of San Diego Comic Con, the OG RuPaul’s All Stars Drag Race winner has been showing off her makeup and cosplay skills daily by serving looks inspired by fictional divas from Tomb Raider, The Hunger Games, Mad Max, and even The Nightmare Before Christmas.

 “This month I offer you my heart and my passion as we take a look inside my head and all if its’ inhabitants,” Chad wrote in her first post.

So far, she’s posted a handful of looks through three weeks of varying themes: action/adventure, horror/suspense, and Tim Burton.

 Along with each post, Michaels opens up with an anecdote from her past or an inspiring message.

“As a child of the 70’s I spent hours each weekend watching afternoon and late night Horror movies,” she wrote on her Dracula post.

Elvira, Night Gallery, The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Darkside and the Crypt, and every classic B&W monster flick ever created haunt my mind. I’ve always been a little bloodthirsty and when Bram Stokers Dracula came out, I knew I had met the perfectly sassy in red version of Dracula I had always wished for.”

Check out more below:.

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