Sunday, January 29, 2017

10 Protest Movies That Inspire Change In These Scary Times

From: Queerty
 8: The Mormon Proposition

Get ready to get pissed off: 8: The Mormon Proposition examines the role of the Church of Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the battle over California Prop. 8, and the shady political involvement of the Mormons in anti-gay politics. Though the movie suffers from low, and at times, crude production value, the revelations uncovered in 8 more than make up for its flaws. As directors Reed Cowan and Steven Greenstreet uncover a long and ugly history of Mormon abuse of the LGBT community, and how the LDS Church funneled money into the passage of Prop. 8 from outside California. 8 doesn’t chronicle protests so much as become one itself, railing against political interests hiding behind tax-exempt religious status, and raising questions over the legality of the LDS Church’s political dealings.

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