Friday, January 27, 2017

7 Queer Films That Should Have Been Nominated For An Oscar This Year

From: NewNowNext
Best Foreign Film
“Quand on a 17 ans”
 (“Being 17”)

At 73, French filmmaker André Téchiné still expertly conveys the bliss and torture of young love, teaming up with writer/director Céline Sciamma (Tomboy, Girlhood) on this coming-of-age film about Tom (Corentin Fila), a 17-year old secretly falling for his foster brother, Damien (Kacey Mottet Klein).

When Tom’s adoptive mother falls ill, Damien’s doctor mother decides to take the boy in. After an altercation, the teens’ antagonistic relationship gives way to something more passionate.

“What elevates the film is not just its beautiful setting in the French Pyrenees,” wrote Washington Post critic Alan Zilberman, “but also how the beautiful mountain exteriors serve as a metaphor for characters’ inner lives.”

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