Friday, November 4, 2016

Caught On Camera: Costumed Attackers Beat Gay Man On Halloween

Surveillance footage shows the assailants right before the attack.
From: NewNowNext
A group of costumed homophobes ganged up on a gay man in an elevator at a New York hotel early Sunday morning.

Surveillance video shows the seven Halloween revelers hanging out in the hallway of the Jane Hotel in the West Village just moments before the 1 am attack.

The video cuts off as the group enters the elevator, where the 26-year-old victim was quietly looking at his phone. According to police, as soon as they got on, they began to verbally harass him.

The victim told police he heard one of the men say, “Hey I’m talking to you, hey you, faggot,” before a fist struck him in the head.

He quickly fell to the ground where he was kicked and punched several more times before the five men and two women exited the elevator.

Once they left, the victim hailed a taxi and went to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he received stitches to close a wound on his forehead and one staple to patch up a cut on his face.

All suspects are believed to be in their twenties and are still at large.

Beyond The White House: Six Races You Need To Follow

The election season sees the most diverse array of LGBT candidates in history.
From: NewNowNext
 We’re less than a week away from Election Day, and while the media spotlight has deservedly been on the presidential race, there are numerous congressional races of importance to the LGBT community, as well.

This campaign season sees a diverse array of LGBT candidates—including the first trans candidates for Congress, and gay Republicans running in both Arizona and Connecticut.

Below, we spotlight six candidates making an impact in their states—and potentially in the nation.

For more on LGBT candidates across America, visit Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund.

 Angie Craig

With a background in journalism and health care, Craig is running to replace Minnesota Rep. John Kline, who is retiring.

Of all the LGBT newcomers, Craig, 49, has the best shot at winning: KSTP/SurveyUSA poll puts her ahead of her controversial Republican opponent, Jason Lewis, 46% to 41%.

Not only would that make her only the third gay congresswoman in U.S. history., it would help the Democrats retake a seat in the House that the GOP has held for over a decade.

 Craig, who is married with two kids, is billing herself as the candidate who cares about both business and families.

“I know what it’s like to be in a family that feels trapped by low skills without the means to pay for an education that would be key to advancing,” she wrote in an op-ed in the Star Tribune.

“That’s precisely why I’m so focused on public-private partnerships that help bridge the skills gap.”

 Matt Heinz

Heinz, an emergency physician, has a tougher slog in his House race: He’s an openly gay man running against a Republican incumbent in a state that’s a GOP stronghold.

He’s also deeply connected to one of President Obama’s most contentious programs, having worked with the Department of Health and Human Services with the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act, especially in reaching out to the LGBT community.

 In a September poll of 400 likely voters, Rep. Martha McSally enjoyed a double-digit lead, 56% to 37%. But McSally’s conservative record on social issues, including her support for legislation that would allow federal contractors to fire people because they are gay, could turn off voters in the Grand Canyon State.

And while Arizona as a whole is red, the 2nd congressional district, which encompasses most of Tuscon, has switched hands between Democratic and GOP representation numerous times. When McSally won her seat in 2014, it was by less than 200 votes.

 Denise Juneau

Running for Montana’s lone House seat, Juneau would be the first lesbian Native American in Congress.

She’s got her work cut out for her against incumbent Rep. Ryan Zinke, but exactly how much work is questionable: A poll touted by Zinke in October showed he had a 49-38 lead over his Democratic challenger. But a Harstad Strategic Research poll from September 20 shows he’s only ahead 45-42.

Juneau hopes getting out the Native vote will turn the tide in her favor.

“You can dress me up, you can put me in high-heeled slippers, but I’m still an Indian, no matter what,” she told MTV. “I’m a candidate, I’ve been elected statewide twice, and I happen to be a candidate who happens to be American Indian, who happens to be a woman, who happens to be openly gay. It’s all a bonus. I think that gets people excited.”

 Misty Plowright

Along with Misty Snow (below), Plowright is one of the first trans women to win a congressional primary. She now faces GOP Rep. Doug Lamborn in Colorado’s fifth district.

Plowright, a 33-year-old Army veteran who works in IT, is running on a platform of supporting veterans, reforming education and restructuring the tax system. She did well against her Democratic challengers but has raised only $11,000 compared to Lamborn’s $500,000. Adding to her long odds at a win is the fact that Colorado Springs is considered the state’s most conservative district.

“He’s completely ignoring me,” Plowright told the Denver Post of her opponent, who has refused to attend any debates or town halls. “It’s almost like he thinks that seat is his by divine right.”

 Her best hope, say insiders, is that female voters turned off by Trump’s misogyny will reject Republicans down the ticket, as well.

But even if she doesn’t win, Misty is “stirring something” within the voters, as she puts it—putting a face to the transgender community and paving the way for the first trans person in Congress.

“I went to the school of hard knocks at the university of life,” she told the Post. “I’ve been underestimated my entire life. Well, I’m still here and I’m still going.”
 Misty Snow

The other trans congressional candidate, Snow is up against Tea Party favorite Sen. Mike Lee in Utah. And like Plowright, she faces an uphill battle.

A 30-year-old resident of Salt Lake City, she was a grocery clerk before running in the primary, which she won handily. But she’s polling 39 points behind Lee, who has more than $1 million in campaign contributions, compared to Snow’s $8,000. And the last time Utah sent a Democrat to the Senate was more than four decades ago.

 But Snow utilizing her youth as a strength, texting messages to 18-25-year-old voters about electing the first millennial to the U.S. Senate. Her platform is pretty progressive, too: Increasing the minimum wage, decriminalizing marijuana, enacting paid family leave and reforming the criminal justice system.

“One of the things that really got me running was [that] I feel like there are a lot of issues that affect the working class that don’t get a voice in Washington,” she told KUER.

 Clay Cope

A former marketing executive for QVC, Cope is running for Congress in Connecticut’s 5th District. What makes him noteworthy? He’s an out-and-proud gay man—and a Republican.

Cope, 53, describes himself as a fiscal conservative who favors deregulation and a free-market economy. He’s endorsing Trump, another businessman-turned-politician: “I used to say ABC—anybody but Clinton—but now I say vote for Trump,” he told NBC.

His is a fairly moderate district, so his sexuality hasn’t ruffled many feathers. In fact, being a Republican in true-blue New England is a bigger hurdle, as he’s got to unseat twice-elected Democratic incumbent Elizabeth Esty.

According to his campaign site, Cope’s goals in Congress include “a balanced federal budget, lower federal taxes and spending—along with meaningful immigration reform, effective border security, and improved national security.”

Born in Texas, Cope is currently First Selectman in the town of Sherman, where he lives with his partner, Andres Sanchez.

Cubs DH Kyle Schwarber: ‘Suck my dick’

Well, he does play in Boystown.
From: OutSports
The Chicago Cubs won the World Series for the first time since 1908 and designated hitter Kyle Schwarber had this request from his teammates following a dramatic moment in Game 7 against the Cleveland Indians:

Schwarber and the Cubs play in Boystown, so he only need head to Halsted Street and find thousands of joyous gay Cubs fans eager to oblige.

The Cubs certainly are a frisky bunch. Here’s catcher David Ross dick bumping with teammates after hitting a home run:

Goggle Doodle for November 4, 2016

Walter Cronkite's 100th Birthday

Today would be the 100th birthday of the man known widely throughout the ‘60s and ‘70s as “the most trusted man in America.” Walter Cronkite, the legendary broadcast journalist reported, served, and comforted a nation during its most trying times, including World War II, Watergate, the Vietnam War, and the assassination of JFK, to name a few.

Walter perpetuated an objective reporting style rooted in justice and integrity: “Press freedom is essential to our democracy, but the press must not abuse this license. We must be careful with our power. The free press, after all, is the central nervous system of a democratic society.”

Affectionately known as “Uncle Walter” to the American public, he was a devout political advocate in the interest of free speech and media, an enthusiastic NASA supporter, and a sailing aficionado. As a fixture in our living rooms, Walter brought a calm dose of consistency during the most pressing times with his end-of-segment catchphrase: “and that’s the way it is.”

Thought of the Day: Are Fixer-Upper Boyfriends the Future?

From: Cocktails and Cocktalk
Anybody that’s ever watched a property show, understands the term ‘fixer-upper’. It’s when somebody buys a house in a bruck-down state that nobody wants, invests time, energy and money to transform it into something immaculate. So, if we can do this with our dream homes, why can’t we do it with our dream man?

We’ve all heard doe-eyed couples drool “he brings out the best in me.” Really, ‘cause we all think you’re a cunt now, though that’s beside the point. We can bring out the best in someone mentally, but we can also do it physically too. It sounds shallow, but when everybody is impatiently waiting for the perfect man, why not jump the queue? Although, technically you’re not pushing in, you’re just taking an alternate route.

And why, when we can find men that make us laugh and are interesting, do we instantly reject them because we don’t physically fancy them? Because we’re searching for a rigid ideal that’s been built-up over years of idealizing celebrities and models, and watching far too much porn. Perhaps what we should really be looking for here, is potential. We can easily walk into an empty – or even damaged – space and see how much we could accomplish, sure it’s nice to find somewhere that’s already furnished and passes the survey with flying colors, but we’re more open-minded than that surely?

We’ve all known somebody that did absolutely nothing for us sexually. Then a few months down the line you bump into them into a club, and they’ve been hitting the gym, taking care of themselves – and all of a sudden we’re telling them, “you look well” (aka: fuck you’ve turned it around, I’d dick you now). Followed by the clichéd “good to see you” message.

It’s certainly a nice idea in theory, especially if all you’d have to do is get them a decent haircut and throw away their hideous shoes, but you can drag a lazy gay to a gym, but you can’t make him workout. But even if he’d go of his own freewill, anybody that’s seen Will & Grace will know the problem one can encounter creating their fantasy fella. You can get a shiny new toy, but girl you better believe that every other kid in the playground is gonna try and play with it. So you better make sure he’s fallen good and hard while he’s still in ruins.

Like developing a property, developing a boyfriend can require a lot of time and effort, for much less return. You could also encounter stubborn foundations, and get refused planning permission for your transformation. The key is not to undertake too big a project; you just wanna redecorate, not refurbish the entire venue. It’s a gentle nudge in the right direction towards more your type, not changing an entire person ’cause they make you chuckle every now and then. And while it may seem superficial to try to alter anyone’s appearance, is it not in fact the opposite of that, because you’ve actually seen beyond the hair, and the clothes and the grooming, to what’s beneath?

Anti-LGBT Robocall Attacks West Virginia’s First Openly Gay Lawmaker

From: Towleroad
 A robocall has been released targeting openly gay West Virginia state Senator Stephen Skinner (D).

The call regurgitates the dangerous and false myth about transgender rights bills enabling predatory behavior in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms.

The robocall seems to have been funded by Family Policy Council of West Virginia. In it, an allegedly 12-year-old girl accuses Skinner of putting “gay activism” ahead of the safety of young girls.

The robocall goes like this:

“Hi, my name’s Courtney and a man came into our changing room last night while I was getting dressed after swim practice. So the Family Policy Council of West Virginia paid so I could tell you why that scared me. I’m only 12. I’m not old enough to see a naked man. I know what a girl is, and it’s not that. My coach said Stephen Skinner pushed the city councils to let men into our showers. She says it’s because Mr. Skinner only cares about gay activism and not common-sense safety for girls. I’m not old enough to vote yet and no candidate or any candidate’s committee authorized me to call but please vote against Stephen Skinner. I want to feel safe.”

The call ends with the girl imploring voters to cast their ballots for Skinner’s Republican opponent, Patricia Rucker (right). “Patricia Rucker has a daughter. She understands. Vote for her.”

Skinner became the first openly gay lawmaker in West Virginia when he was elected to the state senate in 2012.

The Victory Fund writes of his record,

Stephen is the founder of Fairness West Virginia, a statewide LGBT advocacy group. In 2012, Stephen became the first-ever LGBT legislator in West Virginia when he was elected to the 67th District of the House of Delegates, and was re-elected in 2014. Since being elected to office, Stephen has championed LGBT rights in West Virginia and has become a leader within the Democratic Party, raising money and recruiting candidates. Stephen attended Victory’s Candidate & Campaign Training in 2005, and has been instrumental in directing potential West Virginia LGBT candidates to Victory Fund trainings ever since.

You can donate to Skinner’s campaign, here.

Listen to the robocall, below.

Antigay Christian Law Firm That Represented Kim Davis Is Only Getting Started

From: Queerty
If you thought you’d seen the last of Kim Davis, wait until you get a load of the Kim Davis clones that are coming next year.

The law firm that took advantage of Kim to elevate their name, Liberty Counsel, has been hard at work on preparing somewhere around two dozen anti-gay bills through legislatures around the country. The group just sent out a donation-beg to support their work: “Liberty Counsel is working pro bono with 22 different states in fighting the outrageous ‘bathroom’ movement,” they say.

That means you haven’t heard the last of the lies about “men in the women’s room.” And because Liberty Counsel is rabidly anti-gay, they’re probably also working on more of those turn-away-the-gays bills, which they call “religious freedom restoration acts.”

The country’s been so distracted by the Donald Trump sideshow for the last few months, you might even have forgotten that those bills were even a thing. But they are, and they’re only going to expand. Anti-gay activists have been scheming to roll back nondiscrimination ordinances at the local level, to pass turn-away-the-gays at state levels, and they have a federal version that Donald Trump has promised to sign. (Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has pledged to sign a nondiscrimination bill — just in case you were still unsure about which candidate is on your side.)

So what’s to be done about this? It’s hard to say. We could stand to see a massive reduction in LGBT equality, particularly in the south. Despite having lost (mostly) on the Kim Davis case, Liberty Counsel is as dangerous as the National Organization for Marriage used to be, and there’s no clear strategy in place for fighting back.

Anna Duggar Might File For Divorce From Josh Duggar

From: Dlisted
As Jinger Duggar fulfills her Duggar destiny by picking out a weddin’ dress and daydreaming about the magical 30 seconds of sex that will happen on her wedding night, Josh Duggar might soon be picking out a divorce lawyer and daydreaming of all the ways he can fake sick and get out of a court appearance. A source tells In Touch (via The Daily Mail) that Anna Duggar is done being married to her sister-touching, Ashley Madison-trolling husband.

28-year-olds Anna and Josh celebrated their 8th anniversary a little over a month ago. But if In Touch’s source is correct, that anniversary was their last. Anna is allegedly meeting with a lawyer in the next couple of weeks to draft up some divorce papers. Anna’s lucky; I doubt those papers will take that long to fill out. Under reason for filing, she can just write “husband is Josh Duggar.” Nobody will question that.

Anna stuck with Josh through the accusations of rough sex from porn stars and the lawsuits and his trip to sex rehab. The source thinks that Anna made the decision to divorce Josh after a Cher in her life grabbed her by the shoulders and told her to shnap out of it. Basically, a couple of new friends told Anna they were concerned that the Duggars were just using her to help fix Josh’s gross image. Anna and Josh were also trying to have a fifth kid, and she took her still-vacant womb as a sign from God that it’s time to leave.

Josh and Anna Duggar have four kids: Mackynzie (6), Michael (5), Marcus (3), and Meredith (1).

Anna reportedly thinks now is a good time to file for divorce because the Duggar family is busy dealing with the lawsuit filed back in August by the guy whose picture Josh passed off as his own to score chicks.

What will Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar do? No amount of praying and hair spray and tater tot casserole can fix this problem. If Josh gets kicked out for good, where is he going to go? He can’t move home; Jim Bob and Michelle already have so many kids in their house as it is. Maybe Jim Bob and Michelle can send Josh to live with another family again?

Liam, Cole & Hunter - Maverick Men

Cum Gushing Boy Fuck 
 "Our sexy boy Liam is back for more hardcore action, and man we were so happy to see him (he can REALLY take a pounding!).  We literally spent the entire weekend together FUCKING! In this cum-soaked fuck video we give Liam the fuck of his life.  We teach him where the prostate is and how to stimulate it over and over again.  This video
has so much cum squirting every where that we suggest you sit back away from your screen while you watch or you just might get a cum shot in your eye, lol. " -- Maverick Men

“Below Deck” Star Kyle Dixon Comes Out As Bisexual, Discusses Dating Trans Women

Kyle said his cast mates "had mixed reactions" but he doesn't care.
From: NewNowNext
 Below Deck’s Kyle Dixon came out as bisexual in this week's episode of the Bravo reality series, and revealed to his fellow cast mates that he has a history of dating transgender women.

In a preview clip shown on Watch What Happens Live last week, Kyle casually informs Kate and Ben that he first came out to his father because he “had a transgender missus at the time.”

Asked by Kate to clarify that he had dated a transgender woman, Kyle said, “Well, no. I hooked up with one by accident, and then I found out I was a bit partial to it.”

 Later, Kyle reveals that Ashley, “the girl [he’s] kinda been seeing back in England on-and-off,” is a transgender woman.

Kyle’s cast mates reacted with incredulous surprise, saying they “did not see this coming whatsoever.”

On WWHL, where Below Deck’s Kelley Johnson and Nico Scholly were the guests, both men clarified that Kyle’s sexuality “doesn’t matter” to them, but that “nobody had a clue” he was bisexual or had dated transgender women.

“They had mixed reactions,” Kyle told Radar Online, though he wouldn’t elaborate.

“I’m cool [with talking about it],” he added, saying he’s “been doing it for years.”

“I don’t care.”

Check out a clip from the episode below:

Morgan & Hunter - Sean Cody

 "Morgan was very, very excited about being with Hunter.

He is really my type!” he said with a big smile.

 Morgan and Jessie couldn't figure out who wanted to do what.

I am pretty excited!” Morgan said. “I want to try a little of everything!

Jessie was definitely up for that, so they ended up taking turns fucking each other... and even brought in a double-ended dildo that Morgan had spotted before the shoot!" -- Sean Cody

‘Doctor Strange’ Is Both Trippy and Mundane

From: Towleroad
Tilda gives Benedict an out-of-body experience in “Doctor Strange”.
Just another Friday for her.
 For a franchise sprung from the fantastic realm of comic books, Marvel movies have not been particularly exciting on a broad visual level. They’ve managed iconic little visual beats within set pieces but they’re never suffused with eye-popping aesthetics as a matter of atmosphere. (The two exceptions to this rule are Guardians of the Galaxy‘s garish cosmic cartooonishness and Thor‘s brassy mythological kitsch). The Marvel film is more likely to stage its action set pieces and earnest conversations in vast empty spaces like sterile corporate buildings, parking garages, airport tarmacs, or mountain ranges. Given this predilection, the second half of Doctor Strange is absolutely jarring in a welcome way, never failing to give you plenty to gawk at.

But that’s the second half. Rewind. Rewind.

 For the first hour we’re treated to your garden variety superhero origin story. You know it by heart, whatever the hero’s name. He, it’s always a he, is designed from the following template: wealthy, white, handsome, well educated, employed with a lauded skill set before superpowers even arrive (doctor, inventor, lawyer, scientist, etcetera), and a Single Character Flaw (usually arrogance/selfishness) to overcome or learn to repress when he learns that ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. The rogue characters that don’t fit this description are generally relegated to the sidelines or, if they differ, differ in such ways as to boldly shout “this one is different!”

Doctor Strange, for all its intentions of opening up new mystic vistas within the Marvelverse, is utterly conservative about the template. In the first act Stephen Strange is permanently wounded in a car crash robbing his hands of their immense skills as a surgeon. And thus we begin our quest as Bruce Wayne heads to the Himalayas oh sorry Tony Stark heads to the Middle East argh I mean Stephen Strange heads to Nepal to seek a cure and a fresh start. We know he’ll become “The Sorcerer Supreme” in short order but they think we need origin story movies every time so first comes The Journey to Redemption (aka earnest conversations + comic relief + mini action scenes) and the Baptism of Fire (aka world-threatening gigantic action setpieces).

 Strange discovers his very own Hogwarts in Tibet with Tilda Swinton in the Dumbledore role as “The Ancient One” who imparts her knowledge. Or some of it. The Ancient One is benevolent-seeming but also mysterious and shady (as superhero mentors are required to be — see Scott Glenn on Daredevil, Liam Neeson in Batman Begins, Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D, and so on back through time). She’s already lost a student to the dark side (Mads Mikkelsen plays the film’s villain Kaecilius) and now she, and her two main assistants Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Wong (Benedict Wong, the only Asian actor in a principle role despite the film’s settings which include Nepal and Hong Kong in addition to New York and London).

When Swinton was first cast there was alarm that a role always portrayed as an Asian man in the comics was rethought as a Celtic woman. This would surely have been less of a pre-release controversy had Marvel not been so slow to diversify its superhero army or if they had allowed their other far-East based hero (Iron Fist) to become the Asian character he always should have been in the less diversity-friendly America of the 1960s when he was created. Nope, he’ll stay a white man in the Netflix series.

As a Swinton connossieur but more broadly as a person with eyeballs, I cannot in good conscious claim she’s anything but the absolute best thing in this movie. Yet it remains an enraging pity that Marvel refuses to fix their diversity problem. We’re 8 years and 14 films into Marvel Studio’s explosively popular run now and they have NO excuse for this behavior. Yes they currently plan to correct this in 2018 and 2019 respectively with the first black lead in Black Panther and the first female lead in Captain Marvel but that’s embarrassingly past due.

It’s a pity that Doctor Strange gets bogged down in uncomfortable reckoning’s about Marvel’s racial problems and its absolutely generic story (it’s basically Iron Man with magic) because the film improves considerably as it goes along. There’s unexpected comedy and great visual. An early recurring visual of Strange trying to conjure magic energy before it snuffs itself out is a great unintended metaphor for the way the movie keeps trying to get started. But once Strange starts casting his spells successfully and the film starts freely globe-hopping the movie piles on the delirious visuals to jaw-dropping success. It’s as if Alice kept on falling right past Wonderland until she arrived at several crazier places all at once inside of a kaleidoscope and  surrounded by mirrors.

Doctor Strange’s last act is so trippy and exciting — Marvel could well win their first Visual Effects Oscar — that you can almost forgive that generic story. But Marvel really needs to loosen up on the template reigns and let filmmakers free. They’ve got these movies down to a science but science has little room for magic.