Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Jungle Jim’s, Arrow Wine and Spirits pull 50 Cent’s ‘Effen Vodka’

From: WDTN
Stores throughout the area are now boycotting rap artist 50 Cent’s promoted ‘Effen Vodka’.

The rapper berated an employee at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport while in town promoting his new liquor. 50 Cent, whose real name is Curtis Jackson III, posted and later deleted a video he posted to social media over the weekend.

Now, Jungle Jim’s International market based out of Fairfield — and Arrow Wine and Spirits’ Washington Twp. location — are the next to pull the liquor.

Arrow Wine’s Centerville location pulled the vodka Sunday and the Kettering location pulled the vodka Tuesday.

As an international market, Jungle Jim’s is a place of inclusion, and one that respects and appreciates all cultures, abilities, and needs. Jungle Jim’s does not condone such derogatory, negative, and hurtful behavior, and were disappointed and upset by the incident that took place. – Jungle Jim’s International Market.
“This new generation is crazy. It’s crazy,” 50 Cent said in the selfie video. The rapper then turns the camera on an airport employee, pushing a cart through the airport terminal. “Look at him. What kind of [expletive] do you think he took before coming to work today? He high as a [expletive] right here in the airport. His pupils dilated and everything… ”

READ MORE: Rapper 50 Cent berates Cincinnati teen with disability in viral video

The teen’s father says his son was not on drugs, but rather suffers from a disability and has social anxiety.

Late Tuesday, the rapper issued an apology by way of his attorney.

An apology issued by 50 Cent's attorney came late Tuesday after the family says their son was not high, as the rapper said, but is rather disabled (Courtesy: WLWT).
An apology issued by 50 Cent’s attorney came late Tuesday after the family says their son was not high, as the rapper said, but is rather disabled (Courtesy: WLWT).
The family said they accepted the rapper’s apology. They released a statement to WLWT saying:

“We would first like to thank everyone for the amazing amount of support that they have shown over the past few days. It has been an emotional roller coaster that we are ready to put to rest. As requested, we have received a letter apologizing for 50 Cent’s behavior and we have chosen to accept it, along with a request that a donation be made to Autism Speaks. Though a letter of apology will not undo what 50 Cent has put our family through, we are choosing to forgive. A great lesson can be learned from this heartbreaking situation. Regardless of the way that another person appears to you, it is never OK to publicly humiliate them via social media. We hope that this situation brings more awareness to what people with autism and other forms of social anxiety suffer through on a daily basis. Again, we thank the growing number of supporters who have shown both love and acceptance during this difficult time.”


Deniece Williams - Let's Hear It for the Boy

If I was to ever do drag this is the song I would lip sync to!

Klondike® Reese's® Bar‎

Klondike® + Reese's® = HEAVEN!

Rich REESE’S peanut butter cup chunks mixed into smooth REESE’S flavored ice cream — all wrapped in our thick chocolatey coating.
The REESE’S Klondike Bar is a hulking, peanut-buttery beast. It lurks in the freezer, waiting to pounce upon any unsuspecting taste bud that gets separated from the pack.

"On Being Raped"

Could one man’s harrowing story encourage more male victims of sexual assault to come forward?
 When he was 18, Raymond M. Douglas recounts in a new book, he was raped. It was late after a party at the home of a hard-drinking priest, and Douglas had picked the short straw among his friends to stay behind and make sure the guy was OK. In retrospect, Douglas writes, the priest probably wasn’t as inebriated as he seemed, for if he had been, he wouldn’t have been able to use his size advantage to overpower his victim, pin him down, and beat him into submission.

On Being Raped, Douglas’ slim volume about that four-hour experience and everything that followed, is as much a political treatise as a memoir. It serves as a declaration of the rights of male rape victims within a culture that still believes such things don’t happen, not to real men. The conviction of his rapist many years later gave Douglas only a modicum of solace, he writes, for he still feels those four hours with him now, decades later, and they constitute a nearly unmitigated loss.

Douglas, now a middle-age history professor at Colgate University whose previous books have largely focused on 20th-century Europe, never says where he grew up, but describes it as “a country where conventional Catholicism was infused into every aspect of life.” At that party on that fateful night, he homes in on the moment others will assume he should have known better—and in this, his story is like that of so many female victims who’ve come before.

After helping the fumbling priest remove his shoes, put on pajamas, and get into bed, Douglas acceded to the priest’s request first to stay with him for a few minutes—“I can’t get to sleep on my own in the dark”—and no, not to sit in that chair over there.

“No, don’t be ridiculous,” he said crossly. “You can lie down on the bed. There’s any amount of room. I’ll be out like a light in ten minutes. Just kick your shoes off. I don’t want you messing up my quilt.” Without waiting for a reply, he reached across and flicked out the bedside light.
At this point, you’re doubtless drawing the conclusion that if I fell for that one, I deserved anything I got. And now we have the first invariable component of the rape script: the list of charges. Prisoner at the bar, how could you have been so stupid?
In recent years, a civil rights movement on behalf of male rape victims has begun to take shape, even as we struggle to get our hands around the scope of the problem. We don’t know how many boys and men are raped, and for a long time, we didn’t even have the language for it. Only in the past few years did the federal government expand its definition of rape to include male victims. (The old, outdated definition used for gathering national crime statistics, which considered only forcible vaginal penetration by a male perpetrator, had been the same for the better part of a century.) A 2010 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found that between 1 and 2 percent of men had been the victim of a rape, but experts say that because of under reporting the real number could be much higher.

Within a culture that still struggles over what kind of rape counts—what qualifies as what Whoopi Goldberg called “rape-rape”—the male rape victim’s experience can wind up rendered invisible by assumptions. Female victims face questions about their character; male victims face questions about their masculinity. If, to be counted as a victim of “rape-rape,” a woman must be attacked by a stranger while wearing nothing provocative and must resist perhaps to the point of death, the possibility of an adult man’s sexual vulnerability remains for many people simply unthinkable.

“I never heard of, of rape and a man,” the late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno told a reporter in 2012, describing his befuddlement when he first heard an accusation that assistant coach Jerry Sandusky had been seen sexually abusing a boy.

Douglas did not go to the police. He wanted to, but his confidence about being believed slowly ebbed in the hours after his captor released him. Surveying his body in the mirror, he discovered that his bruises and scratches didn’t look as garish as they felt. He imagined the questions from police officers weighing the word of a teenage security guard over that of a priest. Why did he go to the party, and why did he stay behind? Why did he lie down on the bed? Were there any witnesses? An anti-sodomy law in his country at the time meant that if police did not believe he’d fellated the priest under duress—duress meant being choked and punched so hard in the head his peripheral vision vanished—he and the priest might both be arrested.

Time would later prove that decision to have been less paranoia than a sober assessment of the cultural climate. He writes that he did go to church officials three times to report his experience, only to be brushed off, and that a state inquiry into the church’s cover-up of predatory priests many years later would reveal that police were often in the habit of assisting church officials in hushing up such crimes. Decades after the rape, Douglas was contacted by a police officer who found his name in church files, and who confirmed his long-held suspicion that he was likely just one of many victims.

The priest was eventually convicted of raping another boy, Douglas writes, but because of bad health, he never served a day in jail.

Douglas discovered when he went to get counseling shortly after the crime that he was something of a unicorn—a man who wanted to talk about being raped to a treatment community that didn’t buy the premise. He checked himself into a psychiatric hospital, where an official told him that this account was a fantasy and that he should come to terms with his homosexuality. He went to a local rape crisis center, where deeply ideological counselors struggled to situate his experience within a political framework that posited rape as a means of patriarchal oppression and viewed him as an enemy by virtue of his sex.

Douglas left his home country, threw himself into his work, and did not venture out on a date till he was 36. To this day, he says, he has nightmares and periodic depressions. Despite his marriage and daughter and professional success, he writes that “I am compelled to acknowledge that being raped is the most consequential thing that has happened to me.” That four-hour experience was an introduction to evil he cannot now unknow, and it has cast his life in shadow. This bleak outlook is leavened only by his observation that the state of affairs for male rape victims looks the way culture and the courts looked for female victims five or six decades ago. “Men are raped, all over the world and on a daily basis,” Douglas writes. “Nobody knows just how many victims there are, but all the indications are that it’s a very large number indeed.” If we’ve reached a tipping point, if our culture is finally ready to believe in male rape, expect many more accounts like this one.

Creepy Jehovah’s Witnesses cartoon brainwashes kids into trying to ‘change’ same-sex parents

From: Raw Story
Screen shot from Jehovah’s Witnesses cartoon about same-sex parents (YouTube)
A cartoon created by the Jehovah’s Witnesses Watch Tower Society suggests that children should try to convince same-sex parents to change sexual orientation in order to gain entry into paradise.

The cartoon, which was obtained and published by Pink News on Tuesday, shows a Jehovah’s Witness child telling her mother that a school friend’s family has two moms.

“What matters is how Jehovah feels,” the mother explains. “He knows how we can be happiest. That’s why he invented marriage the way that he did.”

“You mean, one man and one woman?” the child asks.

“It’s kind of like going on an airplane,” the mother says. “What would happen if someone tried to bring something on the airplane that wasn’t allowed? It’s the same with Jehovah, he wants us to be his friend and live in paradise forever.”

“But we have to follow his standards to get there,” she adds. “To get there, Jehovah says we have to leave some things behind.”

“But I want everyone to get to paradise!” the little girl exclaims.

“So does Jehovah,” the mother reassures her daughter. “And you know what? People can change. That’s why we share his message.”

The cartoon concludes with the little girl saying she will evangelize to her friends with same-sex parents to tell them about all the benefits of paradise.

Watch the video below.

Ted Cruz Ends 2016 Presidential Campaign

Maybe Kasich has chance we still need to #DumpTrump
From: NBC News
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz will end his presidential campaign on Tuesday after failing to top Donald Trump in the Indiana Republican primary, a high level campaign source tells NBC News.

NBC News projects Cruz will finish second, well behind Trump in a state that was crucial for Cruz to win in order to prevent Trump from gaining the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the presidential nomination.

Over the past week, Cruz said he would remain in the race as long as a "viable path" to the nomination exists. But Trump's commanding victory is projected to deliver him well over 40 delegates, making it unlikely the front runner fails in getting a majority of the delegates.

The chief strategist for Ohio Gov. John Kasich, the other remaining GOP candidate, vowed their campaign will continue. 

May 3rd is Teachers' Day

In many countries, Teachers' Day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers, and may include celebrations to honor them for their special contributions in a particular field area, or the community in general. The date on which Teachers' Day is celebrated varies from country to country. Teachers' days in different countries are distinct from World Teachers' Day, which is celebrated on 5 October.

The idea of celebrating Teachers' Day took root in many countries during the 20th century; in most cases, they celebrate a local educator or an important milestone in education (for example, Argentina has commemorated Domingo Faustino Sarmiento's death on 11 September since 1915, while India has celebrated the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (5 September) since 1962).c This is the primary reason why countries celebrate this day on different dates, unlike many other International Days.

Google Doodle for May 3rd

Teacher's Day 2016 
It’s impossible to measure the impact of a great teacher. The curiosity they ignite will become the mathematical theorems, medical breakthroughs, and beautiful art that make the world a better place. Today’s homepage by artist Nate Swinehart honors the invaluable civil servants all across the United States who’ve dedicated their lives to molding a thoughtful, compassionate generation of citizens. And to making sure everyone does their homework.

May 3rd is National Two Different Colored Shoes Day

 Ivory Coast's Yaya Toure
 It’s National Two Different Colored Shoes Day! For 364 days a year, most people wear matching footwear, but today is your excuse to step outside the box.

Dr. Arlene Kaiser created National Two Different Colored Shoes Day to recognize and celebrate human diversity. According to Dr. Kaiser, the simple act of wearing two different colored shoes proclaims your individuality. By taking this “positive risk,” you can demonstrate your willingness to be different, and show your appreciation for the unique people in your life.

Wearing two different colored shoes can be as simple as wearing a black shoe and a brown shoe, or as outrageous as wearing a flip-flop and a boot. However you decide to express yourself today, do so with pride! Happy National Two Different Colored Shoes Day!

May 3rd is SAN Architect Day

National SAN Architect Day is observed annually on May 3.

Storage Area Network (SAN) Architects manage America’s data. They perform the thankless job of managing America’s IT infrastructure; organizing voluminous data networks, handling security, guarding against data breaches, making sure payments and invoices go out on time, handling financial resources and ensuring human resources compliance. In short they are engaged in every aspect of corporate life, yet there is virtually no acknowledgment of their extensive contributions.

Unknown largely to shareholders, they labor in obscurity, keeping America’s data safe. Corporate management will usually not mention the people who build and maintain their storage area networks unless there is a catastrophic data breach. In all other instances SAN architects labor in obscurity working for organizations that range from Fortune 500 companies to SMBs and virtually all government agencies – buried behind the walls of the Data Center.

But that is about to change. With the inauguration on the National SAN Architect day, SAN Architects will emerge out of the shadows of the back room of corporate life into the spotlight of recognition commensurating with the far-reaching tasks they perform.

Dish of the Day #1887: Nature Lovin' Week

This week's Dishes are communing with nature in honor of World Naked Gardening Day on May 7.From: Deep Dish

May 3rd is National Special-abled Pets Day

Annually on May 3, National Specially-abled Pets Day is celebrated.  This day is set aside to educate the public about caring for disabled pets, features disabled animals looking for a home and also encourages animal lovers to consider choosing a disabled pet when they are looking at adopting a new pet family member.

For more information:  www.disabledpetday.com.

May 3rd is Garden Meditation Day

Garden Meditation Day provides the perfect opportunity to achieve inner peace while honoring the essential ties between people and the environment. Garden and wild plants play a huge role in sustaining life on Earth; they produce food, they make oxygen, they preserve the soil and they beautify the planet. It’s no wonder that mankind has a natural connection to plant life. Garden meditation has been practiced for thousands of years because the natural elements in a garden create a soothing, peaceful environment for retreat, and they enable the necessary focus to bring about calm and stress relief.

Participation in Garden Meditation Day can include sitting with quiet awareness in your garden or nearby park, or weeding, watering or planting in a focused, relaxed manner. Practiced with or without movement, meditation can quiet the mind and invite inner harmony, and gardening can make the world more lush, beautiful and livable.

May 3rd is World Asthma Day

World Asthma Day is an annual event organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) to improve asthma awareness and care around the world. World Asthma Day takes place on the first Tuesday of May. The theme of 2012's event was "You Can Control Your Asthma".

The inaugural World Asthma Day was held in 1998.

May 3rd is Lumpy Rug Day

One of the less well-known days celebrated is Lumpy Rug Day, where we dedicate time to appreciating our rugs: no rug should ever become lumpy or ragged, and so every year people are encouraged to smooth their rugs out and revel in the beauty of a perfectly flat rug.

Think of Lumpy Rug Day as a call to arms, if you will – it is a day where we should straighten out the kinks and bulges in the mats which adorn the floors of our homes, in the hope that at least one day a year we will all see rugs in their true beauty. If you really want to celebrate you might consider buying a brand spanking new rug, washing your old one, or just showing a bit of love and affection for the woven material you trample over each day.

May 3rd is Paranormal Day

Paranormal Day is a day for all those who believe in paranormal activity to share experiences all around the world. At the very least, it’s a great excuse to catch up with friends and watch a scary movie!

May 3rd is World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day. It is an opportunity to: celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom; assess the state of press freedom throughout the world; defend the media from attacks on their independence; and pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

In 2016, World Press Freedom Day coincides with three important milestones:

The 250th anniversary of the world’s first freedom of information law, covering both modern-day Sweden and Finland
The 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Windhoek Declaration of press freedom principles
The year 2016 is also the first year of the 15 year life-cycle of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This year’s WPFD focuses on three different aspects of press freedom:

freedom of information as a fundamental freedom and as a human right
protecting press freedom from censorship and surveillance overreach
ensuring safety for journalism online and offline

Today In History...

May 3, 752 – 

Mayan king Bird Jaguar IV of Yaxchilan in modern-day Chiapas, Mexico assumes the throne.

The Weekly ShoutOUT™

This week our 164th ShoutOUT™ is to … Wesley Taylor
From: NewNowNext
29-year-old Broadway/TV/film star Wesley made his Broadway debut in the 2009 rock musical Rock of Ages, where he originated the role of Franz, and won a Theatre World Award for this role, and was nominated for an Outer Critics Circle Award. Here he is performing an adorable version of “Hit Me With Your Best Shot.”

Justin Trudeau “Brings It,” Trolls Queen Elizabeth And The Obamas, In New Viral Video

It's getting shady in the free world.
From: NewNowNext
Now Canadian Prime Minister is letting POTUS, FLOTUS and the Royal Family know what time it is in a new video just posted to Twitter.

In the clip, the Canadian prime minister joins Canadian Olympians for a one-handed pushup before ceremonially dropping the mic. Hmm, maybe you could challenge him to a free-throw contest, Barack?

A healthy rivalry has emerged between our three nations in the run-up to the Invictus Games this weekend—first Barack and Michelle taped a funny “challenge.”

And then Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth served them right back.

Founded by Prince Harry, the Invictus Games feature injured and disabled service members competing in athletic challenges. Harry is hanging out with Trudeau today to help promote the games, which start May 8 in Orlando.

Below, Trudeau issues his challenge en francais.