Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3rd is Lumpy Rug Day

One of the less well-known days celebrated is Lumpy Rug Day, where we dedicate time to appreciating our rugs: no rug should ever become lumpy or ragged, and so every year people are encouraged to smooth their rugs out and revel in the beauty of a perfectly flat rug.

Think of Lumpy Rug Day as a call to arms, if you will – it is a day where we should straighten out the kinks and bulges in the mats which adorn the floors of our homes, in the hope that at least one day a year we will all see rugs in their true beauty. If you really want to celebrate you might consider buying a brand spanking new rug, washing your old one, or just showing a bit of love and affection for the woven material you trample over each day.

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