Friday, January 29, 2016

Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor

John Houseman 
Charles W. Kingsfield, Jr.
The Paper Chase

John Houseman (born Jacques Haussmann; September 22, 1902 – October 31, 1988) was a Romanian-born British-American actor and producer who became known for his highly publicized collaboration with director Orson Welles from their days in the Federal Theatre Project through to the production of Citizen Kane. He is perhaps best known for his role as Professor Charles W. Kingsfield in the film The Paper Chase (1973), for which he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He reprises his role as Kingsfield in the subsequent television series adaptation of The Paper Chase. Houseman was also known for his commercials for the brokerage firm Smith Barney. He had a distinctive Mid-Atlantic English accent, in common with many actors of his generation.

Mug Shot Friday

Wrestling Coach Gave Students Alcohol, Fondled Them in Hotel: Police
From: kenneth in the (212)
I could go for a little rassling with this one.

A visiting wrestling coach who was traveling through town with his team and staff is accused of providing alcohol to minors and sexual misconduct. David Murphy, 29, of Mokena, was charged with multiple counts of aggravated battery and criminal sexual abuse, according to the Yorkville Police Department. The incident took place between Dec. 11 and Dec. 12 at the Hampton Inn in Yorkville. According to Kendall County Now and the Daily Journal, Murphy turned himself in to police Friday. The charges involve five juveniles and an 18-year-old victim. All six were students and included four girls and two boys. “Murphy performed a series of acts on the defendants during the course of one evening and the next morning,” the state’s attorney’s office told Kendall County Now. Murphy is alleged to have made physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature, according to the report, and reportedly “pulled the victim’s pants back to expose her underwear, squeezed her buttocks and groped her breasts over her clothing,” Kendall County Now reports. Charges also claim Murphy, while in a hotel room, “squeezed (another) victim’s buttocks, kissed her on the forehead and pulled back her pants to expose her underwear,” according to the article.

8 LGBT names to know in 2016

From: The Washington Post
Mara Keisling
Executive Director, National Center for Trans Equality

Before Laverne Cox and Caitlyn Jenner, there was Mara Keisling, a leading voice for trans equality since NCTE was founded in 2003. After the 2015 repeal of Houston’s equal rights ordinance — a sharp setback for transgender protection — many anticipate a tsunami of new anti-trans measures in 2016. Keisling said NCTE plans to fight back “in state legislatures, school boards and the media, creating messaging and standing up for all trans people.” No doubt about it, Keisling’s voice will be key in this critical year for trans rights.

Here Are 8 Douchebags We’d Love To See Disappear Forever In 2016

From: Gaily Grind
‘Kill The Gays’ Rally Attendees: Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal

Republican presidential hopefuls Senator Ted Cruz, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, attended the “National Religious Liberties Conference” hosted by radical right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson in Des Moines, Iowa in November. All three candidates have expressed their extreme opposition to gay marriage.

Swanson, who has previously called for death to gays, said: “There are instances in which both the Old and New Testament speak to the matter with unbelievable clarity,” Swanson told the audience. “There’s not to be any debate about it…. You know what that sin is – it’s the sin of homosexuality…. In fact in Romans 1 Paul affirms that this particular sin is worthy of death, The Old and New Testament, I believe both speak with authority and we ought to receive it.”

Although Cruz, Huckabee, and Jindal are not directly responsible for the extreme hatred that Swanson spewed at the conference, their very presence at an event he organized and hosted stands as a tacit approval of his message.

Watch a clip of Swanson stating his belief that the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, declares that the punishment for homosexuality is to be death:

Check out the full article here.

People Who Should Come Out In 2016 (But Probably Won’t)

From: Queerty
Lindsey Graham

The confirmed bachelor and failed Republican candidate for president doesn’t like talking about his personal life. Particularly, his romantic life. It wasn’t until he was campaigning for president last summer that he briefly–very briefly–like less-than-five-sentences-briefly–discussed his lifelong bachelorhood in a 126-page self-published e-book available exclusively at
I’ve never married. I guess I attribute that to timing, too. The opportunity never presented itself at the right time, or I never found time to meet the right girl, or the right girl was smart enough not to have time for me.
It’s hard to find the right girl, Lindsey, when you keep searching for her in the bars of Dupont Circle. #kidding! As you have asserted in debates, you wanna drop bombs on ISIS. Perhaps, instead, you should drop the gay bomb on American politics, and become the first openly openly gay male member of the U.S. Senate.