Friday, January 29, 2016

People Who Should Come Out In 2016 (But Probably Won’t)

From: Queerty
Lindsey Graham

The confirmed bachelor and failed Republican candidate for president doesn’t like talking about his personal life. Particularly, his romantic life. It wasn’t until he was campaigning for president last summer that he briefly–very briefly–like less-than-five-sentences-briefly–discussed his lifelong bachelorhood in a 126-page self-published e-book available exclusively at
I’ve never married. I guess I attribute that to timing, too. The opportunity never presented itself at the right time, or I never found time to meet the right girl, or the right girl was smart enough not to have time for me.
It’s hard to find the right girl, Lindsey, when you keep searching for her in the bars of Dupont Circle. #kidding! As you have asserted in debates, you wanna drop bombs on ISIS. Perhaps, instead, you should drop the gay bomb on American politics, and become the first openly openly gay male member of the U.S. Senate.

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