Saturday, December 24, 2016

Shirtless Santas in Grey Sweatpants give you a Seasonal Workout

From: Cocktails and Cocktalk
‘Tis the season for giving, and seems like errr’body got a gift for us this holiday – this time we’re checking out the ‘Sexy Santa Workout’, although if you can tell us any one of the exercises that featured in the video, you get a Milky Button. As we reckon more people are shoving mince pies down their throat, and cracking one out than are really watching it for fitness tips.

But it seems not everyone is feeling merry about the shirtless Santas. Here’s a couple of unimpressed – and potentially more entertaining – comments: “They’ll cheat on each other for sure”, (DEAD) while another put “Atlanta’s finest narcissistic trash”.

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