Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Michael B. Jordan reacts to gay rumors: “Grow the fuck up!”

From: Queerty
I usually don’t comment creep but, you know, shit, today I got time. So look, whoever’s angry, bitter, upset for whatever reason, grow the fuck up ‘cause karma’s real. And I usually take the high road. I usually don’t say shit, I just let it roll ‘cause people are going to be people. Everybody got they opinion. That’s what the Internet’s for. They going to say whatever….On second thought, why am I even giving energy to that shit on this day. Y’all my fans. Y’all don’t need to hear me ranting about some BS. So enjoy your family, enjoy your blessings, enjoy the people you hold close and cherish that. I think that’s more important than some comment.”
— Actor Michael B. Jordan, responding to “angry, bitter” trolls who have accused him of having a love affair with director Ryan Coogler

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