Tuesday, December 20, 2016

HB2 Will Be Repealed, Confirms North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory

As part of an agreement, Charlotte will also repeal its LGBT rights ordinance.
From: NewNowNext
 North Carolina’s divisive HB2 will be repealed in a special legislative session tomorrow, outgoing Governor Pat McCrory has confirmed.

 The news came after the Charlotte City Council repealed its LGBT rights ordinance, which had inspired North Carolina lawmakers to rush House Bill 2 into law.

“Senate Leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore assured me that as a result of Charlotte’s vote, a special session will be called for Tuesday to repeal HB 2 in full,” said incoming Governor Roy Cooper, a Democrat who has opposed the transphobic law. “I hope they will keep their word to me and with the help of Democrats in the legislature, HB2 will be repealed in full.

 Cooper said ending HB2 “will help to bring jobs, sports and entertainment events back and will provide the opportunity for strong LGBT protections in our state.”

In a statement, McCrory press secretary Graham Wilson blamed state Democrats for politicizing the situation. (Because laws and votes apparently are not inherently political.)

“Governor McCrory has always publicly advocated a repeal of the overreaching Charlotte ordinance. But those efforts were always blocked by Jennifer Roberts, Roy Cooper and other Democratic activists. This sudden reversal with little notice after the gubernatorial election sadly proves this entire issue originated by the political left was all about politics and winning the governor’s race at the expense of Charlotte and our entire state.”

Its estimated HB2 cost North Carolina millions of dollars, after corporations and sports teams canceled events in the Tar Heel State. More than half of voters said McCrory signing the law was a major factor in their decision to vote against him.

Mayor Jennifer Roberts said the repeal of the Charlotte ordinance “should in no way be viewed as a compromise of our principles or commitment to non-discrimination.” In May, the council voted against a symbolic repeal.

Last week, state lawmakers held another special session to limit some of Cooper’s powers before he takes office.

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