Friday, December 23, 2016

“Gay Bachelor” Robert Sepúlveda Jr. re-enacts hustling days for limited-edition calendar

From: Queerty
We’ve spilled a lot of ink about Robert Sepúlveda Jr. this year.

The star of last summer’s Finding Prince Charming — a regrettably gay version of The Bachelor — made headlines this summer when it was revealed that he’d previously enjoyed a prolific career as a rent boy.

While this micro-scandal succeeded in giving the show some much-needed publicity, Sepúlveda acted displeased at the revelations, sending “cease and desist” orders via his lawyer to any website that bothered to publish the abundant evidence of his hustling days.

Now that the series has thankfully drawn to a close, Sepúlveda has changed his tune. As TMZ reports, Sepúlveda is now “bringing awareness to sex workers” by recreating his past in a limited-edition calendar that beguilingly costs $50.

He says he wants the calendar to be “a conversation piece” ? that will shed light on “the plight of sex workers”. All proceeds are going to The Sex Workers Project, which is apparently a thing.

Take a look at the teaser video below, which at least manages to be more entertaining than Finding Prince Charming.


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