Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ends Of The World: Warwick Rowers Strip For Equality Again

Welp, the Warwick Rowers know how to pick a guy up. Check out their hot nakedness below. The butts are bangin', and guys are always hotter when they're not just physically sexy but also pro-LGBTQ.

Check out their bio and mission:

Never before has the LGBT community had greater need of its straight allies to assert that the battle for LGBT rights comes not from self-interest but from a belief in justice.  There has been a 147% increase in homophobic attacks post-Brexit, and it seems likely the Trump vote will amplify this globally.
The Warwick Rowers project has long been one of the world’s most eye-catching straight ally projects, and its serious influence continues to grow. Sport Allies, the charity they have set up and continue to fund, has now become a registered charity. It has caught the attention of top UK politicians and is about to launch an in depth academic report on homophobia and gender inequality.  It’s an extraordinary story of ground level activism that has captured the imagination and support of millions around the world.

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