Thursday, November 3, 2016

This LOL-Inducing PSA Will Have You Saying ‘Come Through Hillary!’

From: Towleroad
If you’re #WithHer and a follower of the presidential race, this last week has undoubtedly been a bit stressful for you. To let loose some LOLs in the final 5 days (Lord, have mercy) of the campaign, check out a new comedic get out the vote PSA from comedians Sam Pancake and Justin Martindale.

The spot also stars Darryl Stephens, Nico Santos, and Tom Lenk. Shot by Adam Dugas, the video titled “VOTE, SQUIRRELFRIENDS!” is filled with popular gay slang and plenty of memorable one-liners like “Comey, can blow me,” “She’s giving me executive Talbots realness,” and “One nation under yaaas!”

Watch below, Squirrelfriends, and lift your spirits.

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