Sunday, November 6, 2016

Ewan McGregor Indeed Goes Nude In Trainspotting 2 Trailer

From: Fleshbot
A new trailer for Trainspotting 2 was released on YouTube, and it looks like the new movie is going to follow in its predecessors' footsteps, because we get a look at a nude Ewan McGregor! Showing dude ass in trailers is becoming a trend in Hollywood, and I'm just glad the movie and television industry is finally putting its moneymaker where its mouth is! Er...

The 1996 original Trainspotting follows a rag tag team of junkies, led by the sexy Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor). If you've seen the movie, you'll know that some of the things Mark does are not sexy in any capacity, but Ewan delivers a great nude scene featuring his hot uncut cock. Mark seeks sobriety and reform, but realizes that the past is inextricably woven into the present. After watching the trailer for Trainspotting 2,or T2, it looks like Renton is up to his old tricks, but maybe clean and supplementing drugs with other illicit activity? I especially love this line from the trailer:

You're an addict. So be addicted. Just be addicted to something else.
I'm addicted to seeing Ewan McGregor naked, and at the 1 minute, 24 second mark you can indeed see his ass cheeks as he chills in bed with a chick. In May Milo Ventimiglia gave an amazing butt shot in the trailer for NBC's This Is Us and we also got a look at a nude Usher in the Hands of Stone red band trailer, which makes me think that studios really are starting to realize the public's thirst for dudity. It's no surprise that series are usually front loaded with nudity. In some cases the pilot episode is the only one with naughty bits, which just goes to show that sex does indeed sell. When it comes to the Trainspotting 2 trailer, Ewan, I win, we all win! Boo. Here it is!

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