Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Donald Trump's racist immigration adviser is drafting instructions to begin deportations on day one

We are all afraid—for good reason
From: Daily Kos
The Los Angeles Times is confirming the worst fears of many undocumented workers and their children may very well be coming true in very short order:

Nearly a third of the 742,000 so-called Dreamers — those given protection under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — live in California and are potentially at risk of losing legal status.
Trump’s aides have begun drafting instructions that he can issue on his first day in office for the nation’s 5,000 deportation officers to begin rounding up more people for removals, according to two advisors to his transition team.  
“There is vast potential to increase the level of deportations without adding personnel,” said Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state and a member of Trump’s immigration policy transition team.
By giving more authority to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, Trump easily could boost deportations by more than 75% in his first year in office, Kobach said.
Kris Kobach is the architect of the most racist law in modern America history. He devised Arizona’s S.B. 1070 law that gave police the power to stop people with brown skin or a foreign accent, demanding they prove their citizenship on the spot and jail them if they are unable to produce their citizenship paperwork. That bill quickly spread to six other states thanks to the Koch Industries-sponsored ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council).

Getting rid of the undocumented workers in this country who build our homes, grow our food, process our meat will lead to economic ruin. Think your milk price is high now? Wait until there are no undocumented workers to underpay. How will we replace the $11.66 BILLION dollars they contribute in state and local taxes? Immigration needs to be fixed. Mass deportations are not the way. Tearing families apart is not the way. These actions will tear the very fabric of this immigrant nation apart.

And they aren’t making these policies up on the fly. Kris Kobach and other Republican officials have dug in deep with lobbyists who represent extreme right-wing views. They’ve been plotting and planning to take action for a very long time. Immigration, the environment, women’s right to choose—they have legislation to swiftly move through and they WILL enact it. From the New York Times:

Secretaries of state from Washington, Ohio, Colorado and Nevada — all Republicans — participated in closed-door meetings in May with representatives from Reynolds American, the nation’s second-largest tobacco company; the National Restaurant Association; and the National Rifle Association, while ballot initiative signatures in those states were still being collected, documents obtained through open records requests show.
At a weekend retreat last month at a hunting lodge in Kansas, Republican secretaries of state mingled with donors, including a representative from Koch Industries, as they shot pheasant and clay pigeons. The owners of Koch Industries — Charles G. and David H. Koch — have funded groups involved in several ballot initiative fights this year, including over a solar energy measure in Florida.
“The Koch brothers out with the Republican secretaries of state — that’s a news story I don’t need,” Allen Richardson, a Koch lobbyist, joked, unaware that a reporter was in attendance.
All of this while Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead has surpassed 400,000 votes. The majority did NOT elect these dangerous partisan politicians and they have the keys to the kingdom now. We have to destroy the Electoral College once and for all.

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