Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cuddle Up With Fabulously Disastrous ’80s Sweater Fashion

From: Queerty\
Last week we took a hard-hitting look at some unthinkably perfect ’70s men’s fashion choices, and you’d better believe we were inspired.

 With the weather changing and Summer growing ever more distant in the rear view mirror, it’s a perfect opportunity to look forward by looking back. Specifically, at the fabulously disastrous sweaters from a 1980s catalog appropriately named Wit Knits.

And boy are they witty.

Truth be told, we’d wear a good number of these today. OK, all of them.

Scroll down for a rollicking good jaunt at the precursor to the annoyingly iconic “ironic tees” of the late 90s and early aughts, courtesy of the good folk at Dangerous Minds:

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