Friday, November 4, 2016

Call Your Squirrel Friends And Tell Them To Vote

"One nation, under 'Yaaaas.'"
From: NewNowNext 
Sam Pancake and Justin Martindale are back with a new “Squirrel Friends” video that carries an important message — get out and vote, gurl.

The comedians are joined by Darryl Stephens, Nico Santos and Tom Lenk for the latest edition of their hilarious series that finds them cackling catchphrases and gurgling gay lingo until it no longer makes sense. (Assuming it even did in the first place, of course.)

“She’s giving me executive Talbots realness,” Martindale says about our potential new president before being met with a symphony of tongue-rolling “okurrr”-chirps of approval.

Check out the new video below.

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