Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Breaking 111-Year Tradition, VARIETY (?!) Endorses Hillary Clinton For President

From: Boy Culture
Variety has never before endorsed a candidate for president, but they're doing it now—and Hillary Clinton is their woman.

The editors write:

For the first time in its 111-year history, Variety is endorsing a presidential candidate — Hillary Clinton. While it is commonplace for mass-market newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post to endorse candidates, that’s not the case for trade publications. But this year, the editors-in-chief and our publisher, Michelle Sobrino-Stearns, feel strongly that we should buck tradition and take a public stance on this historic election; for the same reason that The Atlantic endorsed Clinton (marking only the third time since its 1857 founding to back a candidate), we didn’t want to sit on the sidelines and come down on the wrong side of history.

They also refer to her as “not only the best candidate for the job, but the only candidate.”

Its endorsement is especially interesting since Hillary's rival, Donald Trump, is an actual entertainer.

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