Friday, November 4, 2016

Bob The Drag Queen On Stand Up, “All Stars,” And Drag: “I Don’t Have A Split Identity”

The "Drag Race" winner plays Caroline's as part of the New York Comedy Festival.
From: NewNowNext
 Bob the Drag Queen has been taking her stand up routine all over the world, but she doesn’t want you to forget she’s still the reigning queen on RuPaul’s Drag Race (no shade to the All Stars!)

 Her latest stand up special, appropriately titled “Current, Fucking Reigning,” comes to New York’s Caroline’s comedy club as part of the New York Comedy Festival on November 6. We spoke with Bob about stand up, acting, Halloween and much more.

How is doing stand up different from doing a drag show?

Well, I’ve always done stand up. I started out doing straight stand up in drag. I think the big difference is a drag show is a lot more interactive—you’re asking questions, making pulling guys on stage. Also, people are shit-faced as opposed to pleasantly buzzed.

 What kind of material are you going to cover?

I always do a combination of pop culture, personal stuff and politics. Honestly, a lot of times I don’t know what I’m gonna say until three seconds after I say it. I come out with cards but then my ADD kicks in and then, who knows?

You performed in New York just a few days after the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Were you worried about being funny after such a tragedy?

I felt like I sold tickets to a comedy show—what could I turn it into? I’m not a spiritual healer, I’m not an Oprah. I’m a comedian. And I felt like I wanted to show people it’s okay to have fun after something terrible has happened. I mean, gay people practically invented that.

It’s not our obligation to wallow or only be sad.

You gave a young fan a very special Halloween treat this year. Some queens don’t like Halloween, though—they think it’s for amateurs. Where do you stand?

Hey, let people have fun, let them be amateurs! It’s always some crabby old queen saying ’Oh I hate Halloween!’ I mean, if ever there’s a day where we have permission to look stupid, that’s it.

 I’ve always liked Halloween. One year, when I was in college, I wanted to dress up but I had, like, no money. So I broke off this chunk of a tree with leaves on it, and wore a hoodie and went as a stalker. And I would just peek out of the tree.

When I was little, my mom wrapped me up like a mummy and put me in a blond wig and nails. I was a “soccer mummy.”

Did you watch All-Stars?

Of COURSE I did! I was remarkably entertaining. I was a big fan of Detox and Alaska and Katya going in. And I was so happy when Alaska won, because she just kept doing such amazing work.

What did you think of the twist with the lip syncs? Do you wish they set it up that way in your season?

I honestly don’t know how that would’ve worked with us. I’m glad my season worked out the way it did—’cause i won!

Your show is called “Current Fucking Reigning.” Do you feel like your thunder is being stolen a bit having another queen crowned so soon?

Hell no. People want to pit us against each other. I'm happy Alaska’s got a crown. I have no insecurities letting someone else shine for a moment.

You appeared on the season premiere of HBO’s High Maintenance out of drag. Are you hoping to do more “straight” acting?

Honestly, Bob the Drag Queen is not a “character,” in the way some queens have a character. I don’t have a split identity—”I’m two different people!”

I actually went to school for acting, so I’m open to any and all roles, in or out of drag.

Catch “Bob the Drag Queen: Current Fucking Reigning” on Sunday, November 6, at 10pm at Caroline’s on Broadway in New York.

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