Tuesday, November 22, 2016

'American Horror Story' Season 7: Will It Be Set at Sea?

From: Just Jared
The sixth season of American Horror Story came to a close last week,  after an amazing ten episodes of twists and turns, and now it looks like we are being clued into season 7 already!

After the episode finished airing, the show’s official Twitter account posted a video that showed a graphic of waves with the words “Sweet Dreams” written over it. The video flashed into the woods outside of the Roanoke house and included some screams as well.

Fans are guessing that seventh season could be taking place at sea. It has also been pointed out that a miniature ship fell from a shelf inside the Roanoke house at one point during the season finale and the camera lingered on it for a few moments.

Watch the teaser clip below and let us know your thoughts on season 7!

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