Friday, November 4, 2016

A Game Of Gay-History “True Or False” Reveals The Dire Need For LGBT Education In Schools

Play along with these YouTube stars to see how many facts you already knew.
From: NewNowNext
A group of gay British YouTubers had to guess whether some fascinating statements about LGBT history were true or false in a new video designed to raise awareness about the lack of LGBT education in schools.

Shape History created the project in partnership with Diversity Role Models as part of their mission to raise awareness of “those who came before us,” and the participants’ stunned reactions to some of the facts they learned helped to highlight exactly why a lack of LGBT education is so distressing.

From lighter facts like “A gay short story built Playboy’s reputation,” to heavier topics like “Gay victims of the Holocaust were still considered to be criminals when they were freed…They were often sent back to prison,” the players were shocked to learn how little of their own history they actually knew.

When YouTube star Jack read that “150 LGBT couples became warriors and overthrew the Spartan Army,” he exclaimed, “I’m so confused as to how no one’s heard of that though!”

And that’s exactly the point Shape History is trying to make.

Watch the video below and see how many of the facts you are hearing about for the very first time.

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