Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Matthew Dempsey Had a Dinner Party to Talk About White Gay Men and Racism

From: Towleroad
Psychotherapist Matthew Dempsey got a group of friends together to have an honest conversation about white gay men and racism.

Dempsey invited Wilson Cruz, Alec Mapa, Justin Sylvester, and Sachin Bhatt to a dinner party to speak out about how gay people of color perceive racism in the LGBT community.

Dempsey and the crew discuss whether racial dating preferences are racist, the lack of representation of people of color in LGBT media (e.g. #GayMediaSoWhite), how gay white racism manifests itself, how to channel white privilege into a force for good, and what gay white men can do to positively affect change within the community–even right down to simple everyday things.

As Cruz says towards the end of the dinner party, “We are surrounded by white media and white culture. Maybe perhaps white people should expand their reach a bit…and perhaps it will give them a sense of who we are.”

Watch, below.

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