Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 25th is Psychotherapy Day

If you tell someone that you are celebrating Psychotherapy Day they will probably say ‘you need your head examined’ or some other joking remark, or maybe they will say that people who can afford psychotherapy don’t need a special day. Psychotherapy Day was founded in 2012 by a group of professionals and students and is designed to combat misconceptions and raise awareness of the vital work that is done by therapists in helping the one in four people who suffer from mental illness as well as those with emotional problems. The color turquoise is worn to show support for Psychotherapy Day and can be combined with their logo of a turquoise counselling chair on a black background. It is an ideal time to talk, write, read or blog about psychotherapy in order to break down stigmas and worries, to volunteer or donate to community mental health centers and to share psychotherapy research.

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