Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 1st is Vegan Baking Day

Why Vegan Baking Day?

It's about time we celebrated how much progress has been made in the world of vegan baking! In just a few short decades vegan baked goods have gotten to the point of where they can now rival and frequently exceed their traditionally made counterparts in quality. This hard work has also resulted in the availability of vegan baked goods in almost every major city in the world. This is cause for celebration! So why don't we rejoice by sharing our favorite vegan baked items with everyone, wherever we are, on October 1st? Everyone wins!

How Does It Work?

It's simple! Bake up your favorite vegan eats and share them at work, band practice, school, the bus stop, jury duty, the car wash; wherever you find yourself going on the 1st of October. I guarantee whoever you're around will go nuts because who doesn't love baked delicious goodness? You'll also be promoting vegan baking because once people get wind of the fact that these eats are vegan, there's a good chance they'll be impressed, inspired, or at least happy that they happened to be around to get a free snack. So what are you waiting for? Host your own Vegan Baking Day!

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