Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Judge Takes Child “Forced” To Identify As Transgender Away From Mother

A high court judge ruled the woman caused her child "significant emotional harm."
From: NewNowNext
 A British mom whose 7-year-old son was “living life entirely as a girl” had her child taken away by an English high court judge this week.

According to The Guardian, Justice Hayden insinuated the woman had been forcing her male child to present female even though the child had never expressed a desire to do so, thus causing her child “significant emotional harm.”

The child’s parents had been separated for years, and the case was brought to court by the father, who’d been cut off from his son for three years.

Hayden said the woman had told him the child once “expressed disdain for his penis,” so she encouraged her child to present female in dress, mannerisms, and interests.

“I was also left in no doubt that [the mother] was absolutely convinced that [the boy] perceived himself as a girl,” said Hayden, noting that the mother “believes herself to be to fighting for [her son’s] right to express himself as a girl.”

“He dressed, at all times, like a girl and…had been registered at a new general practitioner’s as a girl,” said Hayden. “[The mother] explained that he was living life entirely as a girl.”

Hayden expressed additional grief that several reports of the child possibly being forced to identify as female had been disregarded throughout the years by social services, which had “moved into wholesale acceptance that [the boy] should be regarded as a girl.”

Hayden also said that since the child was placed back with his father and his father’s partner, the child has developed “male-oriented” interests that were “entirely self-motivated” without pressure from his father.

“I have been told that [the father] and his partner were shocked when they first saw [the boy] by the extent to which he appeared to be a girl, both in appearance and in mannerism,” said Hayden. “However, what is striking is how well [the boy] has settled down.”

“I have noted from reports that the boy has become interested in Power Rangers, SpongeBob, superheroes and is constantly finding new interests…It is striking that most of [the boy’s] interests are male-oriented.”

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