Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ivanka Trump Talked About ‘Mulatto Cocks’ with BuzzFeed CEO

From: Towleroad
BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti says he was surprised by Ivanka Trump’s reaction to her father’s infamous Access Hollywood tape because she once told Peretti that she wanted to see a “mulatto cock.”

At a Fortune magazine event, Ivanka said of her father’s remarks in which he described sexually assaulting women, “That’s not language consistent with any conversation I’ve ever had with him, certainly, or any conversation I’ve overheard. So it was a bit jarring for me to hear.”

Peretti quoted a tweet about Ivanka’s response and added, “Surprised Ivanka would be shocked by lewd language. I met her once & she casually said: ‘I’ve never seen a mulatto cock, but I’d like to.”

The incident reportedly took place approximately 8-10 years ago in a NYC dive bar where Peretti’s wife was also present.

BuzzFeed News has more:

“She was saying how she first said she had never seen an uncircumcised cock and then she said, ‘I’ve never seen a mulatto cock. There’s lots of cocks I’ve never seen,’ or something like that,” Peretti said.

“Of course, it was memorable just because of the use of the lewd language and racist language. It was also memorable being in the environment of being… in New York, sometimes liberal and progressive people make comments meant as jokes and not necessarily earnest. I didn’t know how to take it.”

Peretti said that, in the years since the encounter, he and his wife have discussed the alleged quote privately multiple times.

Reached by email, [Perretti’s wife Andrea] Harner told BuzzFeed News: “I was there and did hear it but have no comment beyond that.”

Peretti said he “sat” on the quote, not revealing it until now, because it was “personal.”

“I have conversations with people all the time and I never share things said in private. I only shared this because I read the article and it felt like that experience was relevant,” he said.

Ivanka has denied ever making the comments, telling BuzzFeed News, “I am not sure if this was meant to be a joke, but in case there is any ambiguity, this is a complete and total lie.”

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