Tuesday, October 11, 2016

In Howard Stern Interview, Donald Trump Boasts He’s Never Had A Gay Thought

On behalf of all homosexuals everywhere, WHEW!
From: NewNowNext
 In a recently unearthed clip from The Howard Stern Show, presidential nominee Donald Trump can be heard bragging about his lack of sexual interest in men.

The clip comes from audio compiled by CNN of Trump’s interviews on Howard Stern over a 23 year period. The most controversial of these snippets were released earlier this year and show the Donald making lewd remarks about Princess Diana and encouraging Stern to call his daughter Ivanka a “piece of ass.”

 This particular track opens on Stern and Trump gossiping about Tiger Woods and his multiple affairs. As they talk about the women, taking time to rank their levels of attractiveness, Trump jokes that if one thing’s for sure, it’s that Woods isn’t gay.

“But one thing we’ve learned about Tiger Woods, definitely, he is not gay,” Trump said after laughing at Stern’s description of a particularly graphic sex position between Woods and one of his mistresses. “Do you agree with that?”

“Absolutely not gay,” Stern replied.

Trump then alluded to an interview Stern had conducted with a man who said he wasn’t gay even though he’d experimented with other men before.

“You said, ‘Anybody who has had one or two events with a man is gay,’” Trump said.

“Absolutely. Absolutely, you know it and I know it,” Stern responded. “How many events have you had with a man?”

“Zero,” Trump answered. “Not even a thought.”

“You’re a real man,” Stern concluded.

“In other words, with all that I’ve had, I’ve never had a thought,” Trump continued. “There’s never been a big thought process, you know…Never even like a thought. In other words, let’s put it this way, during the event there’s never a thought of Jimmy or Ronald or any of that, no. No thoughts.”

In light of the highly damning video released Friday of Trump celebrating the sexual assault of women, this new clip further affirms Trump’s total disdain for anyone who isn’t exactly like himself.

Make sure to tune into the third and final Presidential Debate on Wednesday October 19 at 9/8c.

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