Friday, October 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton Reveals Her Plans For LGBT Equality In Historic Op-Ed Piece

"LGBT rights...are human rights. And I won’t quit until all our laws reflect that basic reality."
From: NewNowNext
 Hillary Clinton made history on Thursday when she became the first major-party presidential candidate to outline her plans for equality in an op-ed for an LGBT newspaper.

Philadelphia Gay News asked both Clinton and Donald Trump to discuss their plans for LGBT issues in the paper, but so far, only the Democratic nominee obliged.

 Clinton began by praising the huge strides that the country has made for equality while Obama was president, but warned that the fight isn’t over and “there are still too many states in America where LGBT people can be fired or evicted from their home because of who they are or who they love.”

“You can get married on Sunday and fired on Monday, just for being gay or transgender,” Clinton wrote. “That goes against everything we stand for as a country.”

 She also took the opportunity to remind us that Donald Trump winning the election would pose a major threat to the progress that we’ve made.

“He would appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn marriage equality and rescind many of President Obama’s executive orders — including those protecting LGBT people,” she wrote.

And although LGBT rights were unfortunately ignored in this week’s vice presidential debate, Clinton pointed out the horrible track record that Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, has when it comes to LGBT issues.

The second half of her piece focused on her specific goals to help “protect the progress we’ve fought so hard to achieve,” including working to pass the Equality Act, which would “provide LGBT people full federal nondiscrimination protections in housing, employment and so much more.”

Clinton also addressed her goals to stop violence toward the LGBT community and to fight to see an AIDS-free generation in the near future.

Click here to read Clinton’s full piece for Philadelphia Gay News.

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