Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Gay Mutant Iceman Gets His Own Marvel Comic Book

Bobby Drake came out in a 2012 issue of "All-New X-Men"
From: NewNowNext
 Another LGBT superhero is getting his own comic book: Iceman, the mutant X-man who came out as gay last year, is getting a solo series from Marvel Comics.

The publisher hasn’t released many details—like the creative team or when the book will drop—but it did tweet out this image yesterday.

A source at Marvel told NewNowNext, “it’s definitely real… and it’s definitely happening.”

The character (real name: Bobby Drake) was introduced more than 50 years ago in 1963’s The X-Men #1. There are actually two Icemans (Icemen?) in the Marvel Universe: The adult Bobby Drake whose been a member of the X-Men, the Defenders and the Champions, and a time-traveling young Bobby Drake, who only just joined the mutant team when he was yanked into the future.

Whether the new series will focus on young Iceman or his older counterpart—or both—remains to be seen.

In the recent All-New X-Men #13, the young Drake went out on the town with his teammates and made a love connection with a cute gay Inhuman named Romeo.

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