Thursday, October 20, 2016

“Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” Takes On Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” In First Music Video Of New Season

“The underlying emotion of the song is desperation."
From: NewNowNext
 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend returns for its second season this Friday, and with it comes a whole new, and completely confident, Rebecca Bunch.

Show creator and star Rachel Bloom says that if last season was all about her character’s desperate obsession with Josh Chan, the next chapter is all about her confidence that the couple is meant to be together.

“The idea of the show is tracking the stages of love and obsession and rejection,” Bloom told Entertainment Weekly. “We always imagined the show in four sections: the first one was denial, the second one is certainty.”

And to tackle that certain, self-assured vibe, writers tapped Beyoncé’s Lemonade to create “Love Kernels,” their first new song of season two.

“The underlying emotion of the song is desperation,” she shared with EW. “We loved the idea of playing with abstract imagery with a very human emotion — which is, desperation over someone texting you at 3am. The high-art and low-brow meaning of that was interesting and something we hadn’t done that before.”

Watch the video for “Love Kernels” below in preparation for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s return on October 21.

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