Thursday, October 6, 2016

Blame Billy!

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Blame Billy Magnussen!

Yes, it was actor Billy Magnussen who inspired this post. Back in March, I did a piece on Billy after watching his memorable first scenes in The People Vs O.J Simpson. After watching the first couple of episodes of the mini-series, I sort of gave up, but kept the remaining 6 episodes on my DVR.
 Recently, mostly due to Billy, and wanting to see more of Sarah Paulson as Marcia Clark, I finally finished watching the remaining episodes.  During the shows broadcast, there were previews for the upcoming CBS version of Rush Hour, a show as of this writing, already cancelled by the network.

The previews had me wondering about one of the incredibly hot actors playing one of the leads on the series. A little googling had me oogling over actor Jon Foo. I had not seen Jon on screen before, but certainly plan to keep an eye on him, and find a copy of Tekken to check out.

 The English actor, stuntman and martial artist has a unique and beautiful look.  Great body, handsome face and an incredible head of hair.  Jon's look comes from his Chinese and Irish decent, and although I am not sure how rare the culture combination is, it certainly produced one stunning human in Jon Foo.


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