Saturday, October 22, 2016

Another Donald Trump Sexual Assault Accuser Comes Forward

From: Just Jared
Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and life coach, gave a public press conference on Thursday (October 20) with attorney Gloria Allred to reveal that Donald Trump allegedly sexually assaulted her in 1998 at the US Open.

“As I was waiting, Donald Trump approached me. I knew who he was, but I had never met him,” Karena said. “He was with a few other men. I was quite surprised when I overheard him talking to the other men about me. He said, ‘Hey, look at this one. We haven’t seen her before.’”

‘”Look at those legs,’ as though I was an object, rather than a person,” Karena added. “He then walked up to me and reached [with] his right arm and grabbed my right arm. Then his hand touched the right inside of my breast. I was in shock. I flinched.”

“Don’t you know who I am?,” Karena said Donald responded.

“I had come to the realization that I was the victim,” she said. She added she later came to the realization that Trump “had violated me when he groped me years earlier,”

“Mr Trump, perhaps you do not remember me or what you did to me so many years ago. But I can assure you that I remember you and what you did to me as if it were yesterday,” she concluded. Karena reportedly doesn’t have plans to sue or press charges, she just wanted to add her voice to the other reported victims.

The republican nominee for president now has multiple sexual assault accusers who have come forward this month.

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