Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Alicia Machado Responds to Trump’s ‘Sex Tape’ Attacks in Spanish, on Instagram

From: Towleroad
Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado responded to attacks from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a post written in Spanish, on Instagram.

Trump spent the hours between 3 am and 6 am one morning on Twitter, accusing Machado of having a sex tape and urging the public to watch it.

Said Trump in a series of tweets:

“Anytime you see a story about me or my campaign saying “sources said,” DO NOT believe it. There are no sources, they are just made up lies!…Wow, Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an “angel” without checking her past, which is terrible!…Using Alicia M in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! Hillary was set up by a con… Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?”

The Daily Beast and other outlets have investigated and have found no evidence any such tape exists.

Machado responded in a post on Instagram:

"El candidato republicano y su equipo de campaña nuevamente están generando ataques, insultos e intentando revivir difamaciones y falsas acusaciones sobre mi vida. Todo eso con la finalidad de intimidarme, humillarme y desequilibrarme una vez más. Los ataques que han surgido son calumnias y mentiras baratas generadas con malas intenciones, que no tienen fundamento que han sido difundidas por medios amarillistas. Ésta, por supuesto, no es la primera vez que enfrento una situación así. Por medio de su campaña de odio, el candidato republicano insiste en desacreditar y desmoralizar a una mujer, lo que definitivamente es una de sus características más aterradoras. Con esto, busca distraer la atención de sus reales problemas y de su incapacidad para pretender ser el líder de este gran país. Cuando era apenas una jovencita, el ahora candidato, me humilló, me insultó, me irrespetó públicamente, como lo hacía usualmente de forma privada de la forma más cruel. Así como esto me pasó a mí, es claro a través de los años, que sus acciones y conductas se han repetido con otras mujeres durante décadas. Por lo tanto, seguiré de pie, compartiendo mi historia, mi apoyo absoluto a la señora Clinton en nombre de las mujeres, de mis hermanas, tías, abuelas, primas, amigas y la comunidad femenina. A mis latinas y en general, quiero agradecerles todo el apoyo, el amor y el respeto, a mi carrera, a mi persona como ser humano y a mi familia. Yo me hice ciudadana de este gran país porque aquí nació mi hija y porque quería ejercer todos mis derechos, entre ellos votar. Continuaré de pie, firme en mi experiencia vivida como Miss Universo y ustedes conmigo apoyándome. He estado tan complacida por tantas palabras amables, por tanto amor. Yo estoy centrándome en mi ocupada carrera, en mi labor de madre y voy a seguir dando pasos positivos para la comunidad latina, seguiré como activista en pro de los derechos de la mujer y el respeto que nos merecemos. Aprecio todo su amor y todo su apoyo nuevamente, gracias". Miles de bendiciones.
A photo posted by Alicia Machado (@machadooficial) on

Loose translation (apologies for any mistranslation, we’ll correct):

The Republican candidate and his campaign team are again generating attacks and insults, and trying to revive slurs and false accusations about my life. All this in order to intimidate and humiliate me again.
The attacks that have emerged are cheap lies and slanders with no foundation in truth, generated with bad intentions, and spread by sensationalist media. This, of course, is not the first time that I have faced such a situation. Through his campaign of hate, the Republican candidate seeks to discredit and demoralize women, which is definitely one of his worst traits. With this, he seeks to distract attention from real problems and the fact that he is not qualified to lead this great country.
When I was a young girl, the now candidate humiliated me, insulted me publicly, disrespected me in the cruelest way. It is clear that the same actions and behavior have been repeated with other women for decades. Therefore, I will keep standing, sharing my story, my absolute support for Mrs. Clinton on behalf of women, my sisters, aunts, grandmothers, cousins, friends and the female community. I want to thank you for all the support, love and respect you have given to my career, myself as a human being and my family. I became a citizen of this great country because my daughter was born here and because I wanted to exercise my rights, including voting.
I will continue standing firm in my experience as Miss Universe. I’ve been so happy with the many kind words, and grateful for so much love. I’m focusing on my busy career, in my work as mother and I will continue taking positive steps for the Latino community, I will continue as an activist for women’s rights so we can gain the respect we deserve. I appreciate all your love and all your support again, thanks. Thousands of blessings.

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