Sunday, October 23, 2016

11th Woman Accuses Donald Trump of Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

From: NBC News
Jessica Drake, right, speaks beside attorney Gloria Allred, left,
about allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior against
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump during a press conference
in Los Angeles, on Oct. 22, 2016.
An eleventh woman came forward Saturday to publicly accuse Donald Trump of inappropriate sexual behavior.

Adult film star Jessica Drake alleged at a Los Angeles press conference that in 2006 Trump hugged kissed her and two female companions in his hotel room without permission. She also charged that after she left the room, Trump or someone acting on his behalf called her and offered her $10,000 to return.

"Collectively, his words and his actions are a huge testament to his character: That of uncontrollable misogyny, entitlement and being a sexual assault apologist," said Drake.

Drake said she wasn't seeking monetary compensation and doesn't need the fame or attention. "I understand that I may be called a liar or an opportunist," she said. "But I will risk that in order to stand in solidarity with women who share similar accounts that span many, many years."

 The Trump campaign in a statement Saturday afternoon denied Drake's claims. "This story is totally false and ridiculous," the statement said. "Mr. Trump does not know this person, does not remember this person and would have no interest in ever knowing her," it said.

Earlier Saturday, before Drake made her claims, Trump said at a rally that he plans to sue all of the women who had accused him of inappropriate sexual conduct.

"All of these liars will be sued after the election," he said.

Drake was joined by women's rights attorney Gloria Allred, a longtime Hillary Clinton supporter who has represented other women with sexual misconduct claims against Trump. Allred served as an elected delegate for Clinton during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July.

Allred told told AM Joy on MSNBC that she has not been in contact with the Clinton campaign about these allegations.

Drake said she met Trump at a celebrity golf tournament, which she attended while working for Wicked Pictures, an adult film company. She said Trump flirted with her and asked her to walk along the golf course with him, where he asked for her phone number. He later called and invited her to his hotel room.

Not wanting to go alone, Drake said she brought two other women along. She said that Trump was in his pajamas, with a bodyguard present.

"He grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and kissed each one of us without asking permission," Drake said.

Drake said Trump then asked the women about the details of shooting adult films, and about their personal relationships. "It felt like an interview," she said.

After she returned to her room, Drake said she received a call from a man saying Trump wanted her to return to his room. She said she declined.

Drake said she then received a call from Trump himself, asking her to return to his suite and have dinner with him and to go to a party. Drake said she declined. Drake said Trump then asked: "What do you want? How much?"

Drake told Trump she had to return to Los Angeles for work, she said, adding that this was "an excuse because I didn't want him to continue asking me, and I didn't want to be with him."

Drake said she then received a third call, either from Trump or from another man calling on his behalf. She said the caller offered her $10,000 to return to Trump's room. She said she declined this offer, too.

Drake claimed she had told friends about the episode not long after, but declined to name them, "out of respect for them and their families."

Drake added that she's involved in sex education, in which she stresses the importance of consent in all sexual activity. She said her decision to come forward was prompted by the Access Hollywood tape released earlier this month in which Trump brags about kissing and grabbing women without their permission.

Earlier this week, Allred held a news conference with another woman who lobbed allegations against Trump. Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and lifestyle coach, claimed Trump made inappropriate comments and touched her breast while she was waiting for a car service in New York in 1998.

"He said, 'Hey, look at this one, we haven't seen her before. Look at those legs.' As though I was an object, rather than a person," Virginia said Thursday. "He then walked up to me and reached his right arm and grabbed my right arm, then his hand touched the right inside of my breast. I was in shock. I flinched."

A string of accusers have spoken out against Trump, who has fervently denied the accusations, in some cases going so far as to joke that the women accusing him aren't attractive enough for his taste.

Allred slammed Trump earlier Saturday, and said his accusers had no ulterior motive other than getting the truth out.

"These women could have sold their story. They didn't do it. They didn't do it for money. They didn't do it for fame," Allred told MSNBC. 

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